Chapter 125: Doctors, Ugh

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The father prepared the 'OR' as his son prepared for the next surgery.

He also cleaned and sterilized the van and tables. Once done he told his father he was going into town to find their next 'patient'.

The father nodded and smiled. He was so proud of his son. He was following in his footsteps.


Hotch carried in a very restless and exhausted Spencer. When he woke, they went through the case more and Spencer got a bad feeling. It sounded like the UnSubs were father and son. The father had to be in his mid-sixties if not early seventies and the son couldn't be no more than twenty-five at the most. And since they were in Mississippi Spencer predicted they lived or worked someplace secluded.

As soon as Hotch reluctantly set the baby on his feet he got straight to work. Though Hotch wished for him to sleep more. He knew he was still tired from the previous case. Deciding to let the toddler work himself to sleep he gathered Morgan, Rossi, and Emily to go to the recent dump sites, hunting grounds and any place else suspicious.

Once they left, this meant JJ and Garcia were on babysitting duty. They glanced at their resident hard head. He was busy with his markers and his map.

Dump Site-Abandoned hospital wooded area.

Hotch and Emily wrinkled their noses at a foul stench that was in the air. They decided not to split up. In an abandoned hospital anything could happen.

They found the body of a boy that was no older than eight on the first floor.

The next body was on the fourth floor and was a girl in her late teens, or early twenties.

They found three bodies of three males on the seventh floor and they were no older than twenty-three.

Before leaving, they did a rundown of the hospital one last time and documented everything. Once that was done they headed back to the station.

Hotch had a stubborn toddler to put down whether he was to sleep or not.

Hunting Ground-Local area.

Morgan and Rossi looked around and talked to a few people. But got nowhere.

"Well, this blows," Morgan said.

"Can't expect all the pieces of the puzzle to fit right away," Rossi said.

"You sound like our boy," Morgan mumbled.

"Our boy needs to be at the hotel sleeping off the last case. The two hours we got on the jet's not enough." Rossi said.

"Agreed. As soon as we get back Pretty Boy's going down." Morgan said.

"Excuse me." A voice came from behind.

They turned to see a young male. No older than twenty-four. They figured he was a college student.

"Can we help with something?" Morgan asked.

"You're with the FBI right?" He asked.

They nodded.

"I'm Thomas. The person you're looking for is a well was a well-known doctor, anywho he's old now and has a son around my age and he goes to school with me. We go to a local medical school. He's going to be an assistant and I want to be a surgeon. His son's name is Micheal and he works with his dad at a clinic outside of town. I'm sorry I don't know where. Also, I see Micheal hanging around the abandoned hospital, here, and a cabin. I believe he might live there. I hope this helps." Thomas relayed.

The two were amazed if not impressed.

"It helps a lot. Thanks, Thomas." Morgan said shaking his hand.

"Yes thank you. If you have any more info call the local PD right away." Rossi said.

"I will. Take care and be careful in the woods. Lots of people wonder through there." Thomas warned.

They watched as Thomas headed towards his apartment building. They decided to go back to the station and relay the news.


Spencer knuckled his eyes once more and tried to focus on his job at hand, But it was hard. He was too sleepy. He had nightmares and only got two hours of sleep from the last case. Not wanting to admit out loud he needed a nap.

His wish was granted when his dad and sister walked in, followed by his brother and grandfather.

Spencer pushed himself up and tottled to his father very slowly and raised his arms.

Hotch smiled and picked up the baby. Feeling his head rest on his shoulder, he patted his back and slowly started rocking. Spencer was vaguely aware of his members talking about the case. He just let their voices soothe him to sleep.

They stopped and smiled as they glanced at their youngest. He was so cute. Hair in his face, thumb in his mouth. Artemis was back at the hotel waiting for Spencer, where JJ was gonna take her baby brother.

Hotch reluctantly handed him over and watched JJ take his charge to the hotel for rest.

"Agents. Two people were just taken." The chief said, leading them to the SUVs.


JJ gently laid Spencer on the first bed she saw. She slid Artemis under his arm and smiled when his other snaked around it and held it tight.

She brushed his hair out of his face and got back to work. She then remembered Spencer had gotten hurt in the last case and probably needed to clean his cut and change the bandage.

But she couldn't leave him. Even if the door could be locked, and she'd only be in the lobby a few floors down. She decided to call room service and have them bring up first aid.

About ten minutes later, a teen or rather a college-looking student knocked on the door.

"You called for a first aid?" He asked.

"Yep, I did. Thank you very much." She said.

"My pleasure. Just take care of the little guy." He said, walking away.

'How did he know that I have a child with me? Could he be...?' She shook her head at the thought. She had a toddler to tend to.

Later that night.

Hotch and the others had dinner in his room. They told the two what they missed.

"Two more were taken. Both males. Students. Been missing for hours, and we still don't have much other than what Thomas gave us." Hotch said.

"What bout fa tabin?" Reid asked.

"What about it, Sweetness?" Garcia asked.

"What if fa UnTubs *yawns* awe uting it fow whatevew it is fewe doing", The sleepy baby theorized.

The others glanced at each other. Reid could be right. The cabin is secluded and would be perfect. But that was enough for the case. Once Spencer was done eating, Hotch put the stubborn boy to bed and settled down himself.


"So, gentlemen, seems like you both need your appendixes removed. Now that'll hurt a little." said a voice.

"Ok, son. Just like I showed you, remove them nice and clean." The elder gruff voice said.

The boy nodded and began the bloody surgeries.

Screams filled the air, and blood covered the floors.

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