Chapter 87: Tonsils out

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Hotch carried a red faces, puffy eyed Reid on the jet. He'd finally given in to some more Childrens PM.

"Going to the doctors today?" asked Rossi.

"Yeah. I want these tonsils out of him." Hotch said.

Tearing his protective gaze from the toddler he looked at his family and saw the worry in their eyes. He sighed.

"You know I'll call you guys later and you can come see Spencer." He said.

They nodded. All them gazing at the toddler with worry and protectiveness.


Hotch carried in the groggy boy. He slept the whole way home and to the doctors. He walked up to the nurses station. The nurse looked up from the laptop and frowned. She didn't like seeing children in the hospital.

"Hello sir. Aww poor baby. What can I do you for?" She asked.

"I have an appointment for my son today." Hotch said.

She nodded. "Your sons name?" She asked.

"Spencer Hotchner." He said.

She nodded again and typed away. "Ok. Your right on time and I need you to fill these out. I'll go tell the doctor you're here."

She handed him a clip board and he sat down. He settled Spencer in lap and kissed the top of his head. Spencer snuggled into him. Hotch finished the paperwork and gave it back to the nurse. He sat back down and began to rock the tired and hurting toddler.

A nurse came out and called for them. She smiled sadly at the father and son.

"Alright Spencer. I'm going to take your measurments." She said.

Hotch laid him down on the baby scale. She frowned at how thin he was and small he was. She scribbled his height and weight on his chart and she led them down the hall into an examination room.

"The doctor will be with you shortly." She said leaving the room.


Back at the BAu the family was sitting at the round table working. They were also staring at the speaker phone in the middle of the table waiting for Hotch to call.

Strauss wasn't liking that well. But she knew if she said something Rossi would have her head. They all would. She sighed. As long as they got some work done, she could let this go just this once.


Hotch was rocking the teary eyed toddler. He had gotten him to calm down a little. The doctor came in with Spencers chart and scribbled some things on it. He took a seat on the stool and turned to the father and son.

"Hello Aaron. This must be Spencer. I can see you're hurting little guy, may I check your throat?" He gently asked.

Getting a nod the doctor looked in his throat and whistled.

"Yep. Those tonsils definitly have to come out. There three times as big as they should be. I can take them out today if that's ok with you Aaron?" The doctor asked.

"By all means. I want these tonsils out of him ASAP" Hotch said.

The doctor nodded. "Before I go get things ready. We need to discuss somethings. Like his diet for instance. Spencer here is a little short on height and low on weight. I'd like him to gain a few pounds, if that's not possible then there are things out there that can make up for that. Such as nutritional drinks and foods. Anywho, let me get the OR booked and the nurse will be back with some scrubs to change him in and some other things." He said leaving.

"Thank you." Hotch said. He looked at his charge. The doctor was right. Spencer is way too light and sorta small for a three year old. He would have to monitor his diet more closely.

A knock on the door brought him out of his thoughts. The nurse popped in with three different childrens scrubs. She took a seat on the stool and smiled at the toddler.

"Ok sweetie, which pair would you like? I have race cars, puppies, and tigers." She said.

"Wace tars." Spencer rasped.

She nodded. "Ok sweetie just a few more things then we'll get those awful tonsils out. Ok dad, we can knock Spencer out in seconds with an injection or in minutes through the mask."

"The mask. Spencer doesn't like needles." Hotch said.

She nodded again and placed her supplies on the table and pulled out a mask and various chapsticks.

"We like to let the children choose a scent for the anesthetic. It comforts them. So sweetie pie, what flavor would you like? I've got bubble gum, strawberry, cherry, apple, cinnamon, and cotton candy." She said.

"Bubble gum." Spencer managed to get out.

She nodded. She took the mask and rubbed in the chapstick. She held it to the toddlers nose and told him to smell it. He did and it smelled good. The nurse smiled. She told them she'd be back to bring them to the OR. She needed to get the mask to the doctor and give the father a chance to change the toddler.

Hotch changed Spencer into a clean pull-up and the scrubs. He palmed the babys cheek and kissed his forehead. Hotch saw that Reid wanted to say something.

"What is it son?" He asked.

"Awe you going to be hewe when I wate up?" He asked.

Hotch smiled and nodded. "Yes Spencer. I never planned on going anywhere."

Reid nodded and raised his arms to be held. Hotch scooped him and held him tightly. The nurse came back in and led them to the OR. Hotch reluctantly handed Spencer to the nurse. He carded a hand through his hair. The nurse took him in the room and laid him down on the table. The doctor came in.

"Hey buddy. Let's get those tonsils out." He said.

The anesthesiologist placed the mask on the toddlers face and he began to doze off. Once Spencer was asleep the doctor got to work.

Waiting room.

Hotch sat in the seat waiting for his son to be done. He was through waiting. It had been an half hour. While he was waititng he could call the team and at least tell them their working on him now.

"Hey guys. Yeah he's in surgrey. He should be done soon. The doctor said the operation would only be an hour tops. Yeah. Don't know yet. They'll tell me when their done. Alright. Bye." He hung up and sighed.


The speaker phone rang making everyone jump. The answered. And it was Hotch! With news they hoped.

"Hey Hotch. Is Pretty Boy in surgrey?" Morgan asked.

"That's good. Only another half hour left." Rossi said.

"Will my snuggle bunny be staying in the hospital?" Garcia asked.

"Alright. Call soon." JJ and Emily said.

"Bye." They all said.


When the last half hour was up, the nurse led him to the recovery room where he soon was sleeping peacefully in a crib with Artemis tightly cluched in his arms, and instead of sucking his thumb he sucking on a pacifier that had been in the freezer.

"The doctor didn't want him sucking his thumb, hence the pacifier. Plus we put it in the freezer so the coolness will soothe his throat while he sleeps. Also since he was in pain before the operation the doctor wants to keep him here for a night or two. So with that, we'll take Spencer up to his room." She said.

Her and a few more nurses wheeled the crib up stairs to the pediactric ward of the hospital. Once they nurses got the father and son settled in the room she left but she said she'd be back in an hour or two to check on Spencer. Hotch thanked her and she left.

Hotch thought about calling the team again, but he thought it'd be better if he'd let Spencer rest a little first. He kissed the toddlers forehead and carded a hand through his hair and took a tiny hand in his. He then took a picture of him with the pacifier in his mouth. He thought it was cute. Hotch laid his head back against the rocking chair and closed his eyes and drifted away.

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