Chapter 3: A little fun in the sun!

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Reid awoke the next morning to someone rubbing his back and humming. He glanced up at his boss and gave him a small smile. He sat up fisting his eyes. "Mowning Hotch." He said sleepily. Hotch smiled at him and felt his forehead, finding it cool he relaxed a little.

"Good morning Spencer. How are you feeling this morning?" He asked the boy.

"Bettew." Reid replied. Hotch nodded and said, "I still want to check though to be sure your fever's completely gone." He got off the bed and gathered his and Reid's clothes and headed and went into their bathroom. Hotch grabbed the thermometer off the counter and Reid held it underneath his tongue until it beeped 3 minutes later. Hotch took it out and it said Reid's fever had left the building! With that done and out the way, he gave Reid his bath and let him dress in the bedroom while he took a shower. With both freshley bathed they headed downstairs for breakfast.

Once downstairs before the others could bombard the toddler in Hotch's arms with "Are you okay" and "How you feeling" Hotch assured his team Reid was fine, and his fever was history. They breathed a sigh of relief. During breakfast, they discussed what they were going to do today. Garcia suggested they hike to the lake and have a picnic. They all agreed that that sounded like fun. After breakfast was done, the table was clean and clear, and the dishes were washed they changed into their swimsuits and packed the necessary gear and lunch. But there was one more thing that needed to be taken care of.

"Come here Spencer, you need sunscreen. I don't want you to get burned." Hotch said taking the tube from JJ. Reid sat down on the floor because he didn't want to get sunscreen on Rossi's couch.

"I tan do it." Spencer said.

"Oh no. I'm doing it. I want to make you're covered." Hotch said sternly. Reid sighed. Being a toddler was going to be tough. He knew there were certain things he could and couldn't do now. Deciding to roll with it, he let Hotch put the lotion on. Once he was done Morgan helped him put his sandals on, taking a tiny hand in his they were out the door.

While they hiked they smiled and laughed at the energetic toddler as he chatted away about the wilderness. The team was silently glad this happened. Reid being a toddler was giving them a chance to be a real family, and they were loving every minute. Suddenly JJ nearly jumped out of her skin!

"What's wrong JJ?" Emily asked alarmed. JJ pointed to the huge spider web. Hotch glanced at it and willed himself not to scream. It took all his willpower to maintain his stoic appearance.

"I got it," said Morgan but was stopped by a small voice.

"Don't quish him! He may have a famawy somewhere!" yelled the tiny agent. They all looked at him and smiled. Reid was always so gentle. With a chuckle Morgan once again took his tiny hand and led him down the path. Rossi put his arm around a shaking Hotch. Assuring Rossi he was okay they moved on.

Once they got to the lake, they sat on the beach and watched Reid as got close to the water. Reid watched the small fish swim around. Hotch knelt down to his level and gave him a piece of bread. Reid tore it apart and threw the pieces in the lake watching the fish fight for their lunch. Garcia took pictures of the cute sight. They played in the water, and Emily and JJ taught Reid how to swim. After lunch, the girls built a sand castle while Reid, Rossi, and Morgan buried Hotch. Pulling out her camera again for the umpteenth time she snapped a few photos of her buried boss.

"That's definitely going in Reid's baby book." She said laughing. Speaking of whom. They turned to see their tiny charge was sacked out on his beach towel. Garcia took a few pics of that. That was too adorable. Deciding it was time to go they packed up and headed back to the cabin. Hotch took Reid to his room again, changed him and laid him down. Watching the toddler sleep peacefully for a moment, Hotch joined his team in the den. They discussed once again about Reid and what they'd be doing with him. After much debate, Reid was going to stay with Hotch, he and Rossi would talk to Strauss about Reid working.

Later that night they cooked out around a bonfire and told Reid what they discussed. He agreed and hoped Strauss would him let work. They also gave Reid a stern talk about the things he could and couldn't do by himself and he'd have to let the team help him. Not happy but not mad Reid agreed, he'd let the team help him.

They gazed at the stars for a while before putting a sleepy Reid to bed. Hotch put Reid in bed with him again. He kinda of didn't like the idea of him sleeping alone. They both slept peacefully and dreamlessly throughout the night.

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