Chapter 81: Planning

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Hotch carried a sleeping Reid into the house. He fell asleep the whole flight. Which was good actually. They discussed about his birthday and Halloween. For his birthday they were going to have a small gathering just like always. For Halloween they were going to take him trick-or-treating. Garcia said she'd get Reids costume, for she had one picked out for him.

Hotch took Reids coat and shoes off and gently laid him down. He kissed his forehead and palmed his cheek. He watched his charge sleep for a few minutes then headed to his office to get started on his paperwork.


"He likes Star Wars. He can Luke Skywalker!" Garcia exclaimed. She was so happy to be taking her sweet baby out for trick-or-treating.

JJ and Emily nodded in agreement.

"Oh. Pen look at the size. It'll be too big for him." Emily pointed out.

"I can fix it so it fits him." JJ said.

So they got Spencer a Luke Skywalker costume.

"Did you get the costume?" Morgan asked.

"Yep! What do you have my handsome angel fish?" Garcia asked.

"A bag full of goodies. And my costume." He said.

"Ohhh. What you gonna be?" Emily asked.

"Not telling you. You'll just have to see." He said.

The girls huffed. The wanted to know. Though they weren't telling each other what they were gonna be yet. Costumes all bought it time to focus on another matter. Spencers birthday. They all got what he liked. So now all they had to do was get the party supplies and they were set.

Hotchs House.

Reid woke up to the smell of something sweet baking. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, and got out of bed. He headed to bathroom to take of buisness. Once he was done, he popped his thumb back in his, picked up Artemis and headed down stairs.

Hotch heard the pitter patter of little feet. He smiled. He should've known that only his charge would wake up to the scent of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. He turned to see his son walking in with his 'waking up' appearence. His hair sticking out, thumb in his mouth, Artemis tightly cluched in his arms. Hotch scooped him and gave him a cooled cookie to try.

"What'd you think?" He asked the half asleep toddler.

"It's good." Spencer repiled sleepily.

Hotch chuckled. He patted the boys back and sat him on the counter.

"You help me make the rest." He said.

Spencer nodded. He was still munching on his cookie.

Garcias Apartment.

"Garcia where's your sewing kit?" JJ asked.

"Hall closet my dove." She said from the kitchen.

JJ got started on fixing Spencers costume. Emily was in the kitchen with Garcia sorting through all the goodies. Morgan had gone home to check on Clooney and try his costume on.

Hotchs House.

Rossi had just gotten there to see Reid and Hotch covered in flour and cookie dough. He snapped a few photos and went over to help.

"Yeesh. You two look like the messiest ghosts ever." He laughed.

Hotch and Spencer looked at themselves and each other and laughed. They looked at Rossi with evil smirks and got him messy too. The three were definitly the 'messiest ghosts' ever.

"Wossi try fis. I made it." Soencer said handing him a cookie.

Rossi smiled and took the cookie. He took a bite and looked at Spencer.

"Really good. You'd make a good baker." He complimented.

The three made a bunch of cookies in the course of an hour. They wrapped them up and put them away. Then they cleaned up the kitchen and ordered dinner.

After dinner Hotch put a sleepy Spencer to bed. Once he was in bed Hotch and Rossi called the girls to see if everything was good. It was. Hotch and Rossi talked for a little bit before Rossi headed home.

About an hour later Hotch truged upstairs and got ready for bed. He peeked in on his son one last time and got into bed. The two slept well that night.

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