Chapter 49: Earthquake

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The team warily stepped into the station. It was hot and dry day. How people can stand this was beyond them. They knew Spencer can handle it. He did grow up in the desert. Although Spencer can handle the heat Hotch made sure he had water. He didn't want to risk dehydration with his youngest. Nor the rest of the team. He made sure they had water with them as well.

Spencer was busy at work. He marked all the old abduction sites and then the dump site. The dump site then and now ran up and down the fault line. The new abuction sites had him confused. They were either too close to the line or hours away. One was even all at the ocean.

Rossi glanced down at his charge next to him. He saw that he was confused about something and decided to try and help him.

"How's it going Sport?" He asked.

"I'm tonfuted (confused)." The toddler said.

"What about?" He asked.

"Fa new abduction tites. Tome (some) awe eifer weally tlose to fa fault line of weally far like fa otean." He said.

"Could the UnSub be trying to confuse on purpose?" Rossi asked.

"Wossi I fint you got it!" The toddler exclaimed. "I fint fa UnSub is twying to tonfute us puwpose to tover his twacks. Fa UnSub tan't go to fa otean it's too far a dwive and tates too much time."

"I'll go tell Hotch. Good job Squirt." Rossi said ruffling the kids hair.

Rossi left to go tell the Hotch the new info. Emily came in and picked the lifted the toddler from the floor into a chair and placed some food in front of him.

"Lunch time munchkin. And yes you'll eat. In this heat you need to." Emily said sitting down and digging into her salad. Spencer dug into his own stuff.

After a couple hours the team was more than ready to call it quits for the day. It was way too hot to work. They glanced at their charge and chuckled when they saw he was falling asleep. Rossi walked over and picked him up.

"Naptime for you small fry." He said.

"O *yawn* tay." Spencer said half asleep.

"Come on buddy. Let's get you out of this heat and in to the air conditioning." He said. "Anyone coming with me?"

"I will. It's about time I get to babysit for awhile." Emily said.

"We'll be back later Hotch." Rossi said.

"Alright. Drive safe. Sleep well buddy." Hotch said carding a hand through Spencers sweaty locks.

With that they were off. They put him in the car seat and strapped him in. Emily handed him Artemis. When their charge took the purple dog he knocked out.

"Someone's tired." Said Emily.

"Since he's small the heat affects him more than us. Although he grew up in a desert, his tiny body can't really handle the heat. Hence why Hotch made sure he had water every 30 seconds." Rossi said.

"He's just worried. In this heat with him being so small, heat stroke and other problem are inevitiable." She said.

Rossi chuckled.

"What?" She asked.

"Just wondering if Hotch gave the kid a cold bath this morning." He chuckled.

Emily giggled. "Would not suprise me."

The ground than began to shake. Rossi pulled the SUV over and stopped.

"What was that?" Emily asked.

"An earthquake. We need to get munchkin out here." He said.

They didn't get too far. The ground actual split beneath them and the SUV fell in!

Back at the station everyone hid under something, and the roof caved in. This was a bad day. All of them swore they heard a menacing laugh.

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