Chapter 97: Just Peachy

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Hotch sat in the rocker in Reids room rocking his charge. His fever went up a bit more on the trip there. His fever hit to 103.0. He was so miserable. They hooked him up to an IV and placed ice packs on him to cool him down. Morgan was outside the room having a battle with the doctor.

"'s so hot." Reid whispered.

"I know. Hang on just a little longer. The doctor will make you feel better." Hotch reassured his charge.

Hotch looked up when the nurse came in.

"Poor baby. Just going to check his tempurature." She said.

She used a temporal lobe thermomenter. She ran it over his forehead, and smiled.

"His fever's going down. But it's still a little high. 101.5. The doctor will be in soon to discharge your son." She said.

"Thank you." Hotch said.

The nurse smiled and walked out. The doctor came in with a worried big brother.

"Well the nurse tells me his fever is going down. It's at a level where you can handle on your own. Bring him back if his fever goes up again." The doctor said taking Spencers IV out.

He handed Hotch the discharge papers and left. Hotch filled them out and handed them to Morgan.

"Give them to the nurse while I change Spencer." Hotch said.

"You got it." Morgan said.

Hotch got Spencer changed into his pjs and walked out to a waiting Morgan. Morgan palmed the babys cheek. They headed to the SUV. They wanted to go home, sleep, and spoil the hell out of the kid.

They got into the SUV and headed back to Rossis.

Rossis manor

Rossi paced the floor. The girls were trying to comfort one another. Hotch hadn't called nor had Morgan and it'd been a few hours since they left.

The door opened and in came Morgan and Hotch with a sleeping Spencer.

"How is he Hotch?" Rossi asked worriedly.

"Better than earlier. His fever went down. I hope it stays down." Hotch said.

"Anything we can do to help?" Garcia asked.

"We have to keep him cool, fever reducer every four hours, and monitor his temp for the next 24 hours." Hotch said.

They nodded. The poor baby. Gideon was the last thing they needed. He needed. They were glad it was finally over.

Hotch trudged upstairs. He woke Spencer for the medicine. Spencer grabbed Artemis and laid back down. He snuggled into Artemis. When Hotch laid down next to him Spencer snuggled into him and deeper into Artemis.

Hotch kissed his forehead and wrapped his arm protectively around him and fell to sleep.

The next morning.

The next morning Spencer felt better but extremly tired. Hotch came out of the shower to see his charge sitting up and fisting his eyes sleepily.

"Good morning Spencer." Hotch greeted.

"Good morning." Spencer said around his thumb.

"Feeling better?" He asked picking up the baby.

Reid nodded. Hotch helped him bathed and dress and checked his temp. 99.8 much better. They went downstairs and smelled breakfast cooking.

"Good morning you two." Rossi greeted.

"Good morning." Hotch said.

He settled Reid in his lap. Rossi put together a small plate for the boy. If he wanted more he could ask.

They watched as the toddler picked at his food. Deciding a distraction was in order.

"So Hotch. What kind case do you think the cutthroat bitch well have for us this time?" Morgan said.

They watched as Spencer took a bite of his toast. Hotch smiled.

"Well knowing her. It's probably some whacked psycho." Hotch said.

"Never thought I hear you say the word whack." Emily teased.

"Hey. I can 'hip' as you kids say." Hotch said.

They laughed. They smiled as the toddler took a few more bites.

After breakfast they headed to work and sure enough the creature from the black lagoon was waiting for them. And they were right. They had a case with a whacked psycho.

They went home to pack and met on the jet. They were mad. They had just gotten home and Spencer was still sick. They swore Strauss was out to get them.

Since it was going to be a while before they landed the moved to their favorite spots and settled down. Hotch checked Spencer fever it was still low but not taking any chances he gave Spencer some more fever reducer.

The two settled down and fell to sleep.

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