Chapter 115: Pittsburgh Pennsylvania

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Rossi carried in a very sleepy toddler. Hotch and Morgan went to check out the recent scene and the girls went to other scene. So Rossi was on babysitting duty. Spencer had fallen to sleep most of the plane and car ride there. The chief was there to greet the two.

"Hello there. Aww. Sleepy little guy huh?" She asked. "I'm Kaylee Shell."

"SSA David Rossi, and Spencer." Rossi said. They don't out Spencers last name for the sake of hiding him from the freaks, creeps, and psychos.

They shook hands and she led them to the conference room and discussed the case.

"Alright. I'll leave you too it then. Holler if you need something." Kaylee said.

"Will do thank you." Rossi said shaking her hand.

Once the door closed Rossi looked at his charge and saw that he had fallen back to sleep. Rossi chuckled. He ran a hand through the childs soft hair and kissed the top of his head. He took a picture and wrote a the caption 'if you're on your way back, you'd better be quiet!' underneath and sent it to the others.

Morgan and Hotch was the first to respond.

'Aww! Poor kid couldn't keep his eyes open I bet. We're on our way and we'll be quiet.'

JJ and Emily responded next.

'So sweet! We'll be quiet promise!'

Rossi chuckled. He slowly rocked his charge while on the case. He found that the arsonist was married and had two kids. The wife died of heart complications, the daughter died trapped in a fire at school and the eldest son died in a parking deck collapse. This could be what's fueling the arsonist to set the fires.

Reid began to move restlessly. Rossi rubbed his back.

"Shhh. Kiddo it's okay. I got you." He soothed.

Reid settled back down. The others came in quietly.

"He ok Dave?" Hotch asked running a hand through his son hair.

"He's fine. Just tired. But I think I have something." He said.

"Lay it on us." Derek said.

"Our arsonist was married with two kids. The wife died of heart compilcations, his daughter 5, died in a school fire and the son 19 died in a parking deck collaspe. I think this could be what's fueling his anger. He's all alone. His daughter was the last to die. The mother the first and the son second. When the daughter died in that fire he became in raged and started setting fires hoping to bring back his little girl." Rossi relayed.

"Good work old man." Morgan teased.

"Old man. I can still kick your ass muscle or not." Rossi scoffed.

He felt Spencer lift his head off his shoulder. He glanced at him and smiled at the half asleep toddler.

"Well look who decided to join us." Rossi playfully said.

Spencer sleepily at him and looked around. He noticed they at the station. But he didn't remember getting there. After a brief bathroom break and when Spencer was awake enough they brought him up to speed.

"What if fat isn't fa only fing fueling his anger?" Spencer asked.

"What do you mean Handsome?" Emily asked.

"What if it's mowe fan fat? What if he was twapped in a fire and twaumatized ow what if he was abused by it?" Spencer asked.

"Abused? You mean like someone burned him?" JJ asked.

Spencer nodded. He tottled out of the room and asked one of the officers to get the wanted photo of the cork board. He tottled back and showed everybody a scar on the UnSubs face. The other gasped and looked at the toddler. They had their UnSub, James Heartfield. Now they just needed to find him.

Spencer worked on the map while the others split up again. Emily took babysitting duty while Rossi and JJ went to the recent scene and Hotch and Morgan went to local hardware stores to see if anyone made a purchase on fire related equipment.

Ace Hardware.

"Yeah a guy with scar came in here. Said he needed a standard blowtorch and some chains." The clerk said.

"Thank you. Do you by any chance know where we could find him?" Hotch asked.

Morgan was looking around the store. He stopped when he saw something that looked like dead skin. He got out some gloves and bag it.

"No sir. But he usually hangs out in the warehouse district. Y'all might find him there." The clerk said.

"Thank you. Morgan find anything?" Hotch asked as they walked outside.

"Yeah." He held up the plastic bag with the skin in it. "I found this the rope and chain section."

"He's either hurt and sheding or that's someone elses." Hotch said. "Let's take it to the M.E."

Morgan nodded and they headed toward the coronors office.

Recent scene.

Rossi and JJ didn't find much. Just that he uses a blowtorch and gasoline as the accelerant. Only one body found, body unreconizable. There was blood.

"Maybe before the fire he tortured the victim." JJ said.

"Maybe. Or maybe to knock them out so he can get ready to set the place ablaze and they awaken they can see and hear themselves being burned to death." Rossi said.

JJ nodded. Not finding anything else they headed back to the station.


The others got back and found Emily and Spencer hard at work. They frowned when they caught Spencer fisting his eyes. Emily still didn't know they were there. She just picked up Spencer and began rocking. She blinked a few times and finally noticed the rest of the gang.

"Hey guys. Find anything?" She asked still rocking the now sleeping baby.

They each took turns telling her what they found. Hotchs phone rang.

"The skin was James's. He's been burned." Hotch relayed.

Satified with what they had, they gathered up their things and called it quits for the night. Hating to wake their baby they did to get him eat. He ate slowly and sluggishly. Once done he dropped right back off.

Back at the hotel.

Emily reluctanly gave Reid back to Hotch who woke him again to bath and change him. Once that task was done Spencer knocked back out like a ton of bricks. Hotch smiled. He showered and changed, then settled next to his charge.

The father and son slept contently through out the night.


Piercing screams filled the air as the storage container burned to a crisp.

James sat back and enjoyed his own show. He also recorded it.

"I dare you to find me Feds." He laughed.

He continued to laugh as the container still burned.

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