Chapter 68: Beaten by a mere child

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Spencer and Garcia spent hours looking for Bennett. It was like he fell off the face of the planet. Morgan, Emily, JJ, and the chief went to go search all the possible places he could be. But there was no sign of him. Garcia glnced at her charge. She swore you could hear the gears in his mind turning. Looking at the clock it was nearing his naptime, plus he needed a break. Getting online she went to see if Hotch and/or Rossi were on the chat. Nope.

'Must be working.' She thought. 'But what can I do? I can't let him fall asleep yet. I know.'

"Hey baby cakes. Come here a minute." She said.

"Toming." He said.

Pushing himself up with his hands, he tottled over and raised hid arms.

"How would like to color?" She said.

"Tolor? Gawtia we'we worting." He asked. Though he wanted to color.

"Yes but baby boy you need a break. So I have markers, regular and the smelly one. I have all kinds of crayons, and colored pencils." She said digging out her art supplies.

Spencer picked up the black smelly marker and sniffed it. It smelled like vanilla. The two spent the next half hour coloring.

Desert (Suburb areas)

"Are you sure Bennetts the leader?" Bennetts foster mother asked.

"Yes ma'am. We need to know all the places he would go." Emily said.

"Well. Bennett spends most of his time at his family tomb." She said.

"Anywhere else?" JJ asked.

"Well there is a cabin in the woods north of here. It was his grandfathers. He basically lives there." She said.

"Thank you for your time." JJ said shaking her hand.

"Please find Bennett. But be careful. He's always had a bad temper." She said.

With that they left. They called Morgan hoping he had something.

"Morgan it's Emily. Yeah. We got two possible locations from the foster mother. A cabin in the woods north of us, and a family tomb. JJ and I are heading to the cabin. Ok. Did you find anything? Thought not. Alright before heading back head to the tomb. Bye." She hung and continued north.

Morgans SUV.

Morgan and the chief were heading back to station they had nothing. Morgans than went off.

"Morgan. You get anything? Wow alright. Be careful. No. You got it. See ya." He hung up and called Garcia.

"Baby Girl. I need the address to Bennetts family tomb. Got it. Thank you sweetness. Spencer ok? Alright we'll be there soon. No let him sleep, kid needs it. He was restless last night. Alright, be careful. Call me if there's trouble. Bye sugar." He said hanging up heading to the cementary.

At the tomb they found nothing but coffins and stiffs. Although they did find Bennetts stash of weapons along with meth and PCP. The chief decided to take it back with them. The gave one last run through and left.

The station.

After a half hour of coloring Garcia tucked in a now sleeping Spencer. She kissed him on the forehead. She smiled when he mumbled something and buried his face in Artemis. She cursed at herself for not putting her phone on silent when it went off.

"All knowing oracle. Speak and be heard mortal. The cementary is just a few blocks from you. Welcome my chocolate god! He's just fine, sleeping peacefully. Should I wake him and take him back to the hotel? Ok. Be safe. I will. PG out." She said ending the call.

About an hour later the others walked in. Spencer grabbed his drawing and raced over to them. He raised his arms and Morgan scooped him up.

"Loot at what I dwew Mowgan." Spencer said happily.

Morgan smiled and carded a hand through the childs long locks.

"Great job Pretty Boy. Make sure you save it so Hotch and Rossi can see." Morgan said.

"I will." said the toddler giving his drawing back to Garcia.

Gunshots rang out. Bennett came in. He looked mad!

"Hello profilers. I came to get my pack back." He said.

"Bennett, calm down and put the gun down." Morgan said putting Spencer down. Once his feet hit the floor, he bolted in to the chiefs office and grabbed the tiny pistol in the open drawer in the desk.

"I don't think so." He said. More shots.

Every second seemed like minutes, minutes seemed like hours. They were trying to subdue Bennett. A final shot rang out. Bennett looked down at the hole in his stomach. He laughed and turned to the toddler.

"Beaten. Beaten by a mere child. I wish I had you in the pack." Bennett laughed and then fell to the floor dead.

Morgan raced over to Spencer and took the gun out his hands and gave it back to the chief.

"Believe that's yours." He said.

Morgan tightened his grip on Spencer and the gave him hugs and kisses. This case was done.


Later that the group headed home. When they got on the jet, Morgan the sleeping baby in his lap buckling them in. When it was safe to move about the cabin Morgan tucked Spencer in. They told Hotch all that happened and they swore he and Rossi had a heart attack. Since it was still aways from they decided to talk about something else.

"So what are we gonna do about Halloween and for his birthday?" Emily asked.

JJ suggested they take him trick or treating, and for his birthday just have a small gathering like they always did.

Agreeing they slept for awhile. When they got to Virgina, Morgan put the sleeping boy to bed then let Clooney out. When Clooney came back in, he snuggled next to Spencer. Morgan chuckled and kissed the baby forehead saying goodnight. He settled in his bed preparing for a long restless night.

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