Chapter 62: Another victim

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Hotch walked into the room with a freshly bathed Spencer in his arms. Most of the shots effects wore off so he was good to work. Dressed and ready they assembled the rest of the team and headed to station.

The chief was waiting and was not happy. They just discovered another body dumped behind a resturant on the west side of town. Hotch, Rossi, and Emily went to the scene, Morgan took Spencer to the M.E.

The M.E. Lab.

"Amy Tuckerson, age 25. Found behind a resturant burned and bashed." The M.E. stated. "Blunt force turama was done postmortuem to the burns. The burns came after to make sure she was really dead."

"Wow. So what was used for the beating?" Morgan asked.

"Skillets. For the burns a small blow torch." She said. "Your bad guy is one crazy dude."

"Yeah he is. Come on baby boy, let's see what 'daddy' is up too." Morgan said carrying the toddler out.

"Mowgan do you fint our UnTub tould've been a thef?" Spencer asked.

"Hmm. Makes sense. Let's go run it by Garcia." Morgan said settling the baby in his carseat.

The scene.

When the three got the scene it was a mosh pit.

"Anybody who's not authorized to be here, GET OFF MY CRIME SCENE!" Hotch yelled.

"I think you made your point Aaron." Rossi said.

"Good. Now what do we have?" Hotch asked one of the CSUs.

"She was found here. She was dragged through that door there and dumped here. The killer left a sink full of bloody soapy dishes. We assume those and this small blow torch are your weapons." He said.

"Thank you. So he uses blunt dishes and a blow torch." Rossi said.

"Maybe he uses the dishes to bash his victims and the blow torch to finish them off." Emily theorized.

"Back to the station. Let's see what Spencer and Morgan dug and run it by Garcia. We need to catch this guy before he collects another victim." Hotch said. With that they headed back to the station.


Garcia's finger flew over her keyboard.

"Ok my doves. With the info you've given me. We have 19 chefs in New York that have a criminal record." She said.

They sighed. They needed more than that to catch this freak. Spencer found a few more dumpsites and abduction sites. But it was late. They'd have to wait til morning continue. They called it a night.


"You must be hungry."

"Please just let me go."

"Not til have some of my special dishes."


Blood covered the walls and floor. An twisted laugh filled the thick air.

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