Chapter 80: Cold case closed

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In the Mountains.

"It's the morrow. Go get my love."

"Yes. Look after him Rose."


"I shall return with Daisy."

"Go. The sooner you get back the sooner we can be together."

"Father. Are you sure this is path you choose? You'll go to prison."

"I'm sure. But that bitch must pay for turning you against me."

"I'm not against you. Tis the other way around."

"Hush now. Go set up the room.

"Yes sir."


Reid was busy at his map narrowing down the exact location of the UnSubs. He used Google Earth to find an old cabin west in the mountains and Daisy comfirmed it. She wanted to help.

"Hotch. I found fa UnTubs pace." He said.

"Good job. Morgan let's go. Rossi you stay here with the girls. Spencer you stay out of trouble." Hotch said.

"Yes siw." He said.

Rossi ruffled Reids hair in praise for finding the UnSubs. As soon as Hotch and Morgan walked out the door a guy popped in. Daisy gasped and backed slowly to a corner.

"What's wrong Daisy?" Rossi asked.

"That's him. The son. He kidnapped and raped me." She said her voice shaking.

Rossi, Emily, and JJ drew their weapons. Garcia grabbed Reid and she and Daisy followed the Chief to an interrogation were they'd be out a harms way if it came down to them pulling trigger.

"Can we assist you?" Rossi asked.

"I'm looking for a girl. Her name's Daisy. I'm her brother Shawn. I came to take her home." He lied.

While he had his back turned Emily took the chance to subdue him and JJ took his gun and knife. Rossi and the Chief took him away and Garcia, Spencer, and Daisy came back. Daisy was happy he was going away. But there still was the father and her girlfriend.

The Cabin, Mountains.

Morgan and Hotch arrived to the cabin in record time. Morgan went around back and Hotch went to front. Hotch counted down to storm in. As soon as he said three, they busted in. Morgan cleared the kitchen and headed into the basement.

He found the girlfriend making up a bed. He crept up slowly behind her and subdued her. He cuffed her and hauled her upstairs.

Hotch cleared the living room and went upstairs to the father getting ready for Daisy. Like Morgan he crept up behind and subdued him. He hand cuffed him and hauled them downstairs.

Morgan and Hotch threw their captives in the back of the SUV and headed back to the station.

Station interrogation rooms 3, 4, and 5.

The three sat in seperate rooms and waited to be interrogated. Daisy hung her head in shame. She knew she couldn't trust Rose, but she thought she loved her.

Emily was interrogating Rose, Hotch the father, and Morgan and Reid the son.

Interrogation room 5.

"So tell me. Why did you and family kidnap and rape Daisy?" Emily asked.

"I did nothing. I love her." Rose said.

"Right. That's not love. So why?" Emily pressed.

"My father thought we were impure because we're of the same sex. So he kidnapped her and my brother raped her, then my dad." She said.

"What about you?" Emily asked.

"I raped her too. Out of spite and hate for myself. But I never wanted to hurt Dais." She said tear spilling over.

Emily nodded to the guard and he took her away. She walked out and placed a hand on Daisys shoulder.

"I'm sorry." She said.

"It's alright." Daisy said.

Interrogation room 3.

Morgan and Reids interrogation went well. As soon as the brother saw Spencer he broke down and confessed to everything. The rape and helping with the kidnapping. The guard took him away and Morgan walked out. He put Spencer down and Spencer raced into Hotchs room.

Interrogation room 4.

Hotch pinched the bridge of his nose. The father was being overly difficult. He got the 'I raped her' part out of him but not the 'I'm behind all this.' Hotch was annoyed and decided no more mister nice guy. He started yelling and the father sat there and laughed.

Reid popped in. Hotch quickly scooped him up and held him tightly. The fathers expression changed.

"I did and planned everything. My daughter and her love for another women was unholy. I decided to punish them by showing them how impure they were." He said darkly. "I mean, how would you feel if your boy there was gay?"

Hotch scowled. "I wouldn't care. If Spencer was gay, I'd still love and support him. Love is love. It has no race no gender. I would not care at all."

"Hmph. Your lucky boy. If you were my son. The same would've happened." He said.

He started rambling how impure the world was when the guard took him away. Hotch carried Spencer back to the conference room to clean and wrap up. This cold case was now solved.

Daisy walked out and felt a gentle warm breeze. She smiled and looked to the sky.

She walked towards her mother who was waiting, and hugged her like she hadn't her in years. She got into the car and waved to the BAU family. They were happy to see that she and her family can have some closure.


That night Hotch carried in a now sleeping Spencer. Hating to wake him, he woke him long enough to bathe and change him. Once that was done Hotch got ready for bed and settled next to his son.

Spencer rolled over and snuggled into his father. Sighing in content the two slept peacefully.

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