Chapter 35: Doctor time!

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The next morning Hotch didn'twant to leave his charge. But as Rossi pointed out Hotch was the leader and had to be at the station. He glanced at his sleeping charge and sighed. A knock at the door brought him out his thoughts.

"Ready?" Rossi whispered.

"I can't leave Dave." Hotch said.

"I know. But the faster we leave the faster we can get back." Rossi countered. "Plus he won't be alone. Morgan and JJ are staying with him."

Hotch sighed once again and nodded. He, Rossi, and Emily set off to the station. Morgan and JJ got to work.

Reid stirred. His thoart felt like it was on fire. It was hard and it hurt to swallow. He sat up fisting his eyes, and leaned into Morgan.

"Good morning baby boy. How ya feeling?" Morgan asked the ill boy.

Reid just shook his head. If it hurt to swallow, it would hurt to talk.

"Can't talk?" He asked him.

Reid shook his again. He felt Morgans hand on his forehead.

"JJ, get me the thermometer out of Hotchs first aid." Morgan said.

JJ got up and got the thermometer out of Hotchs bag and handed it to him.

"Here you go." She said.

"Thank you. Open up Pretty Boy." Morgan said.

Spencer opened his mouth and held the thermometer under his tongue. It beeped after three minutes. Morgan took out the thermometer and whistled.

"102.1. Somebody doesn't feel good, do they?" Morgan asked.

Reid tiredly shook his head. He held Artemis tighter for comfort. Morgan pulled out his phone and dialed Garcia.

"Hey Baby Girl. I need you to looked up any nearby clinics for me." He told her.

"What? Why? Who's hurt?" She asked.

"Spencer's not feeling good." He said.

"Oh my poor baby! Ok, the closets one is right around the corner. No appointments necessary, you just have to walk in, sign in, and all that fun jazz." She said.

"Alright, thanks sweetie." He said.

"You're welcome. Take care of my snuggle bunny." She said.

"I will mama, don't worry. Big brother Morgan will take godd care of him." He assured her.

"Morgan hung up to find JJ chuckling.

"What?" He asked.

"Big brother Morgan?" She asked.

"Yeah, big brother Morgan." He said proudly.

They got the ill toddler ready and settled him in his carseat. JJ pulled out her and called Hotch. She told the worried father they were taking Spencer to a clinic around the corner from the hotel. Hotch told her to call him as soon as they were done there.

They got there and no one was there. They walked up to the counter to the elderly nurse behind the counter.

"Excuse me. My son Spencer, he has nasty fever and his thoart's sore. My other son and I want to be sure it's not strep. Any chance we can see a doctor today?" JJ asked worriedly.

"Yes ma'am. Just fill these out and I'll inform the doctor that you're here. Don't worry dear, we'll make sure your youngest gets better." The nurse assured the worried mother, handing her the paperwork.

They sat down and waited patiently for the doctor. Morgan rubbed the toddlers back whispering soothing things to him. JJ filled out the paperwork. The nurse came back leading them an examination room. JJ handed the nurse the paperwork. Before she left she checked Reids vitals.

"The doctor will be with you shortly." She said departing.

When she left, Spencer curled up and snuggled into Morgan, death gripping Artemis. Morgan kissed the top of his head and began rubbing his back again. JJ carded a hand through the childs soft locks. The doctor came in a few minutes later. He asked the mother and older brother what brought them in today. They told him about his fever and sore thoart.

"Hey there Sport, that's a nice dog you got there. Momma and big brother tell me you're not feeling so hot. Can you show me what hurts?" The doctor asked the toddler.

Spencer un-curled and pointed to his neck.

"Your thoart huh? Can you open up for me so I can look at your thoart?" He asked.

Reid nodded and opened his mouth. The looked inside and whistled.

"That's some sore thoart buddy. You may have strep. I'll have to swab ya, and find out." He said. Pulling out a swab. The doctor swabbed the toddlers thoart and told them he'd be back with the results in a few minutes. Reid didn't like it when he swabbed his thoart. He clung to Morgan and tightly held Artemis.

The doctor came back and comfirmed that the toddler had strep and it would hurt and be hard to talk and swallow. The doctor prescribed the toddler a fever reducer and an antibiotic. The two thanked the doctor and took the exhausted toddler back to the hotel.

Once back at the hotel the rest of the family was waiting for them. JJ and Morgan told them what the doctor told them. They got the tiny profiler ready for bed. After they got him to eat a little and take his meds.

Later that night Hotch kept a close eye on his charge. After working a little more, he got Spencer to eat a little more and take some more meds. Hotch got ready for bed and settled next to his ill charge who snuggled into him and clung to the father for dear life. Hotch kissed the top of his head assuring the child he was right there. He prepared himself for a long night.

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