Chapter 83: Candy!

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Spencer was super excited! He was going to get candy! He loved his Luke Skywalker costume. He picked his light saber and tottled down stairs. The family looked at him amused. Morgan stepped in front of him.

"I bet Obi-Wan Hotchner never told you what happened to your brother." Morgan said.

"He told me 'nough. He told me you tilled him." Reid said.

"No Spencer. I am your brother." He said.

"No. Fat's not twue. Fat's impo'tible!" Spencer shouted dramatically.

"Search your feelings you know it to be true." Morgan said.

"NOOOO!" Spencer shouted.

They laughed at the two brothers. Morgan laughed and scooped up his baby bro and settled him in his lap and set a plate of toast, eggs, and bacon in front of him. Spencer munched on his breakfast as he rattled off about 'Star Wars.' They were amused.

Once breakfast was done and the kitchen was clean Morgan and JJ took Spencer to the store with them.


They got Wal-Mart and Morgan settled Spencer in the cart. The profilers were getting lots of stares. Not the 'bad stares', the 'awww the toddler looks so cute in his costume' stares. They went to the candy isle and grabbed bags and bags of candy. They went to the next isle for lunch food, and of course their youngest spotted a sweet treat. Mindful of the people around him and remembering the lecture of how he was suppose act like a toddler in large crowds. He patted Morgans hand to get his attention.

"What's up buddy?" He asked.

"Daddy tan we get tome ice-tweam pops?" Spencer asked.

Morgan looked at JJ and got the I-don't-think-so look.

"Sorry buddy. But Mommy says no. But I'll tell you what, if your good from now until trick-or-treat and you haven't eaten all your candy in one night, we'll get some ice cream pops. Deal?" He asked.

Spencer was a bit sad, but agreed. "Deal." But he kinda knew the reason why they didn't get the pops. They didn't want him to be on a sugar rush before tonight, and he was getting candy.

They gathered what they needed and headed for the check out.

"Hi! Find everything?" The cashire asked.

"Yep." The two older profilers said.

"Aww you look so cute! Let me guess. Luke Skywalker?" She asked the toddler.

"Uh huh." Spencer said blushing a little.

"Aww. So are you two married? Or mom and brothers?" She asked.

"Mom and brothers." JJ said.

"I'm sorry. I don't mean to pry. It's just one time I had a young couple like yourselfs and they were brother and sister but were married. So you curiousty." She said.

"That's ok. And that's weird." Morgan said.

"It is. Alright you're all set. Have a good Halloween." She smiled.

"You too" The profilers said.

They loaded the SUV and settled Reid in his car seat. On their way back they noticed his eyes drooping.

"Look like it's our young Padawans naptime." JJ chuckled

"Yeah. Let's get our Knight home." Morgan said.

Rossis House.

Morgan carried in the stuff and JJ carried in a now sleeping mini Jedi. Emily and Garcia 'awed' and Hotch and Rossi chuckled.

"I see my little Jedi Knight is all 'forced' out for now." Hotch said taking the baby from JJ.

He took his son and settled in the rocker. Hotch then had a thought that troubled him a little.

"What's up Hotch?" Morgan asked.

"Spencer." He said.

"What about him?" Emily asked.

"Some of the houses have cemetaries displays. What if they set off a panic attack?" He asked his gaze never leaving Reid.

"If that happens we'll bring him back here and have our own Halloween thing." Rossi said. "He'll be fine Aaron. You'll have JJ, Morgan and Garcia with you."

After reassuring the paranoid father their charge would be fine, Morgan and the two girls got ready. Hotch handed Reid to Rossi and got ready himself.

Morgan was a 'tickle monster', JJ was a princess, Garcia was too a Jedi, and Hotch was an 'UnSub.' They had to laugh at that. When Spencer woke up and was fed his dinner they went off to collect their candy.

About 15 minutes later they got through half the neighborhood without casualty and/or panic attacks.

'My worry was for nothing.' Hotch thought.

Spencer and Morgan walked down the path of a house and Spencer was beginning to get tired. He raised his arms for anyone to take him. Hotch chuckled at the sleepy Jedi. He picked him up and grabbed his bag of sweets.

"Bedtime for you my young Jedi." Hotch said.

Reid yawned. "Tan I have a piete of tandy?" He mumbled.

"You can some tomorrow Pretty Boy. For now let's get you home." Morgan said.

Reid nodded and snuggled into Hotch.

They got Reid back to Rossis. He and Emily chuckled at the mini sleeping Jedi. Hotch took him upstairs and changed him. He tucked him in and kissed his forehead.

"Goodnight buddy." He said palming his cheek.

He got himself ready for bed and settled next to him. Both slept peacefully.

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