Chapter 117: Burned

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Garcia tried everything to calm her Junior G-Man. He just would not settle down. He just stared at the door and he'd pace the conference room. She couldn't even get him to take his nap.

Garcia shook her head. She had enough! Her junior G-Man was going to make himself sick if he didn't relax. She pulled out a new paint set she had gotten.

'This should take his mind off everything' She thought. "Spencer sweetie. Come here."

Spencer looked over at Garcia and tottled over. He raised his arms and she scooped him up and settled him in her lap. She handed him one of the paintbrushes.

"Check this out sweetie. I got this super awesome paint set and the cool part is that the paint only shows up on paper. Watch." She painted a sun in the corner of the page and then painted her arm.

Reid was shocked when the paint didn't show up on Garcia's skin.

"How is fat po'able?" He asked.

"Magic." She smiled.

Spencer looked up at her and returned her smile. He began to paint a house to go with the sun and Garcia started to paint the team. Spencer had forgotten all about his worry.

Warehouse District.

Hotch and the others came out of hiding when it was safe. The girls started looking over the two boys, Rossi called the fire department, and Morgan was trying to find any trace of their UnSub.

Morgan went as far as he dared and smelled burnt flesh. Was there another victim? He'd have to wait for the fire department and the coroner to get here and examine the scene.

It didn't take long for the fire department to get the fire under control. Once the blaze was out the CSU and coroner did a rundown of the scene.

"We've got a body!" Exclaimed one of the CSIs.

Hotch, Rossi, and Morgan rushed over. They glanced at the body and saw that it looked like their UnSub!

A CSI came back with a few new machines and began small testing on the badly burned body.

"According to the dental records and blood samples, this guy is James Heartfield. Agents, you found your man." The CSI said.

"Thank you ma'am." Hotch said shaking her hand.

She nodded and got back to work.

"Suicide," Morgan whispered.

"It was probably too much for him or he got caught in his own web. Either way, he wouldn't made it anyway." Rossi said.

They did what they could and helped clean up a little. After being examined by the EMTs, they took the two boys back to their dorms.

Once they made sure they got in safely they headed back to the station to pick up the other two members of the team.


The others slowly made their way in. They were beat. They went to the conference room and smiled at the sight that greeted them.

Garcia and Reid didn't notice them. They just kept on painting. They took a seat watching the two.

"Is this a private session or can anyone join?" Rossi asked.

Spencer and Garcia looked up. Garcia smiled and Spencer hopped out of lap and raced towards Hotch.

Hotch smiled and opened his arms catching the toddler.

"You'we tafe." He said.

"Yes, we're safe. The UnSub isn't though." Hotch said.

"What happened boss man?" Garcia asked hugging the others.

"It either a suicide or a kill gone wrong. Either the UnSub wound up in flames and didn't survive." Hotch said.

"Good riddance. One less firebug in the world." Garcia muttered under her breath.

The team chuckled.

"So what were you two painting?" Emily asked.

Reid happily showed them their artwork.

"Aww. Let me guess. That's a house, and our family?" JJ asked.

"Uh-huh. We all live togever happily. Lite in fa fawiy tales." Spencer yawned.

The poor baby was exhausted. It was beyond his naptime and getting close to his bedtime. They cleaned up and headed to the hotel.


The team changed and ordered a pizza. Nobody felt like going out. While waiting for the pizza to get here, Hotch helped Spencer bathe and dress for bed.

Spencer yawned and fisted his eyes the whole time. Hotch chuckled a little.

"Somebody didn't get their nap," Hotch said.

"I'm sowwy. I was wowwied 'bout you guys." The yawned again.

Hotch patted the baby's back and kissed the top of his head.

"Sorry. We didn't mean to." Hotch said.

"It's otay. While you were gone, Gawtia and I painted." He said.

"I know we saw. You two are very good artists." He said proudly.

Spencer smiled. It was nice to have someone say they were proud of him. They went into the living room and saw the pizza had arrived.

Spencer dug in and chatted with his family. They chuckled and 'awed' when he pretended to feed Artemis. After dinner, they cleaned up a bit and got ready for bed.

Hotch sat in the rocker with Spencer and rocked him while they watched 'Cupcake Wars' with the girls. The girls looked over and saw the father and son conked out.

Rossi gently woke Hotch and sent him to bed with Spencer. Hotch got to bed and laid Spencer down for a moment. He quickly changed and laid down next to his charge.

He put his arm around the baby and smiled when he snuggled in closer. The father and son slept in content the whole night.

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