Chapter 14: Fourth of July

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It had been a few days since the whole incident with Gideon. Reid had also gotten his cast taken off. He was happy to get the itchy thing off. Now he and Hotch were heading to Morgans for a Fourth of July cookout. Spencer was a tad nervous. The 'Reid Effect' didn't work on Sergio, but what about Clooney? Hotch looked in the rearview mirror at his charge wondering what was making him so nervous.

"What's up buddy?" Hotch asked.

"What if the 'Weid Effect' till wowts on Tooney?" He asked.

"It didn't work on Sergio. Maybe it won't work on Clooney. Relax buddy I'm sure Clooney will like you." Hotch assured the toddler.

Hotch carried Reid to the backyard. The were the last to arrive. Clooney came to them to greet them. Hotch smiled at the German Shepard and patted his head. Reid held out his hand, Clooney sniffed it, then licked it. Reid was shocked. The 'Reid Effect' was gone. Hotch let Reid down and Reid patted the dog on the head. After licking his face Clooney ran off and brought him a tennis ball.

Reid threw the ball and Clooney took off after it, bringing it back to him. They family sat back and watched as the toddler played with his new friend. They were glad to see the 'Reid Effect' was gone.

After a few hours of playing Morgan carried his now sleeping baby brother to his guest bedroom. He tucked him in and kissed his forehead.

"Sleep well buddy." Morgan whispered.

Morgan headed back out. Hotch and Rossi were talking about The Tribe game. They won 10-2 against New York. Morgan and Hotch got in another argument about the Sox and Indians. The girls were making plans to go shopping.

A few hours later a groggy Reid walked outside with hair sticking out, thumb in his mouth, holding his purple dog. The team smiled at his apearance. Snapping a few photos Hotch picked up the toddler and settled him in his lap, and ate their supper.

When it got dark they headed downtown to see the fireworks. Reid enjoyed the fireworks. He liked the bright colors and the different shapes. He smiled and enjoyed himself. His family was happy.

When they got home Hotch changed a sleeping Reid and put him to bed. He was happy that his charge had fun and he got to see the fireworks with his surrogate son. Even though Reid was his surrogate he was blessed to have Reid. Him being a toddler was a blessing too. One Hotch was grateful for.

Hotch got into bed after watching his charge sleep now sleeps in Jacks room unless Hotch thinks Reid's in danger, scared, or has nightmare. Hotch and the team were happy to see Reid happy. Hotch thought he was blessed to have his surrogate son. Reid turning into a toddler was a good thing. And this time they would make sure Reid grew up feeling loved, and carefree.

Hotch turned on the baby monitor on his nightstand and snuggled into his covers. Both Hotch and Reid slept peacefully that night.

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