Chapter 70: Another bites the dust

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Blood was everywhere.

"Was that nessecary?"

"Yes. Remember I have to prove, I'm not weak."

"I know. I know."

"Let's go."

"Yes sir."

The M.E.

"So fa UnTub was hetatint at fiwt (first), but now he teems mowe tonfadint. Lite he hat tomefing to pwove." Spencer said.

"Well cutie pie, you're right. Your UnSub was pretty hesitant at first but when you get to the fourth victim it's like he's a pro." The M.E. said. "Though the stabs didn't kill the last victim. He bled to death. Also your UnSub seems to favor a Broken Butterfly and a steak knife."

"I see. Let's get to station and see what the others have found." Emily said. "Thank you for your time."

"No problem. Bye sweetie, agent. Be careful. It may seem not a whole lot happens in Akron but you'd be surprised." The M.E. said.

"We will, you be careful too." Emily said. "Come on Handsome, Morgans probably freaking out about where we are."


"Morgan calm down. I'm sure their on there way back. Chill out." JJ said.

"She's right my Chocolate Thunder. You need to chill." Said Garcia.

"I know. But Spencer's so small now anything could happen." He said still pacing the floor.

"Em's with him. She'll protect him. Now sit and relax before you burst a blood vessel." Garcia chuckled slightly.

Morgan finally sat down but still stared at the door. The girls chuckled and rolled their eyes.


Emily looked back at her charge and smiled. He was knocked out. Thumb in his mouth, Artemis tightly hugged, hair starting to stick out.

'Good thing he had lunch. Better call Morgan.' She thought. She dialed his number. He answered at the first ring.

"Morgan. Chill out. He's fine. He's sleeping. Yeah. I'm going to take to the hotel. Yeah. We know he a Broken Butterfly. Have Garcia check to see if anyone owns that gun in Akron or if it was stolen. We will. We'll see you soon." She ended the call. "Alright baby cakes, let's get you to the hotel."

She made her way to the hotel.


Morgan was still staring at the door. The girls swore he was burn a whole in it. He snapped out of his thoughts when his phone rang.

"Emily. Where the hell have you been? Is Spencer okay? Is he? Good. He'll sleep better in a bed. So did you get anything? Will do. Be careful. Bye." He said hanging up. He turned to Garcia. "Baby Girl, run a list of teens who own a Broken Butterfly."

"On it." She said her fingers flying over the keys. "Ok. I got about five peole. All legal and have permits to own and carry."

"Ok. See if one of those might be stolen but resgistered under an alias." He said.

Garcia nodded and she typed away.

"Oh. I got a Avery Fielde. His name is James Anderson. He escaped from prison after he was found guilty in a school shooting." She said.

"Alright we got our guy. Give me an address." He said.

"1928 South Ave." She said.

"Come on you two. Baby Girl I'll drop you off at the hotel and pick up Emily. JJ you're going with us." He said.

"You got it." She said.

They packed up and headed to the hotel.


Emily glanced at her charge with worried eyes. He just woke from a nightmare. She was worried he'd have another but so far he was peaceful. A knock at the door brought her out of her thoughts. She glanced through the peephole and saw it was Morgan and Garcia.

They walked in quietly and explained everything. She grabbed her jacket.

"Ok Garcia. He's all yours. He had a nightmare but he seems fine now. Just keep an eye on him." Emily whispered.

"My poor Junior G-Man. I'll keep a close eye on him. Now go get our bad guy before he gets away." Garica said.

"We will. See you soon." Morgan said.

When they left Garcia slowly sat on the bed next to the slumbering toddler. She brushed a stray hair out of his eye.

UnSubs House.

Morgan and Emily had rushed inside and JJ still hadn't seen either of them. She had gotten his hostage and the lastest victim out. But where were they?

Morgan and Emily finally came out with the UnSub. Throwing him in the back of the SUV they went to the station to interogate him.

Station, Interogation room 6.

Morgan and the girls brought in the UnSub after taking the hotage and victim to the hospital. Morgan sighed. He wasn't getting anywhere with this. He left the room and didn't see Spencer walk in.

Spencer tottled up to the UnSub and raised his arms.

"Up peas." He said.

The UnSub smiled gently at the toddler and lifted him up. He settled him in his lap.

"What's your name little one?" He asked softly.

"Spencer. What's your name?" Spencer said.

"Good name. I'm James. What's your dogs name?" James asked.

"Awtemis." He said.

"Wow. You know I use to babysit because my mom couldn't have anymore kids. She had Breast Cancer and died when I was five. I started babysitting when I 10. Most of the kids I watched were like my siblings. But then my dad started drinking and doing meth again and this is how I got to be." He said. "Thank you Spencer. For showing what I've done was wrong."

Morgan rushed and took Spencer from the UnSub and he was taken away. Morgan held the toddler tightly.

They wrapped up the case and headed for the hotel.


After a nice hot bath and shower, the two boys climbed in bed and snoozed away.

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