Chapter 77: The Witch and The Lamb

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When Reid woke the next morning he didn't really feel good. He wasn't sick, just didn't feel good. He laid back down and rolled onto stomach buring his face in Artemis.

When Hotch came out of the shower he saw the toddler get up and lie back down. Worried he went over to the bed and sat down. He rubbed the toddlers back.

"You ok Spencer?" He asked.

"I don't feel good." He said.

Hotch settled him in his lap and felt his forehead. No fever. He claimed his stomach, throat, and head didn't hurt. So what was making his charge feel bad?

"Think you can work?" He asked.

"Uh huh." Spencer nodded.

"Alright. Be sure to me or anyone else if feel like you can't." He said strenly

Reid nodded again. He let Hotch help bathe and change. He gathered the others and headed towards the station.


"Almost complete. Just need my little 'lamb' and it'll be done."

"Please don't."

"Oh but my dear. I must. You men need to be punished."

"But why?"

"For what you've done. You men have sinned greatly."

"I don't understand."

"In the afterlife. You will."

Lacie left her victim alone once again in the dark.


"Ok my doves. I ran the name Lacie Proctor. Lacie was orphaned at a young age. Both parents were in a cult. Different cults. The father a wiccin practiced white and healing magic, the mother black magic. The fathers cult burned the mother on the stake for betrayal and took Lacie. The mothers cult hunted the father down and drowned him. Needless to say Lacie grew up practicing white and black magic for her fallen parents. If her parents were alive they would've made Lacie choose a side, and she choose one side over the other since she's an only child she would've been killed by the cult she didn't pick. She picked her mothers side. Hence the killing rituals and the upside down pentagrams at the scene. Now her killings are rituals for her mothers sides and according to her online journal she has one more ritual to preform." Garcia explained.

Everyone was speechless.

"What's the final ritual?" Hotch said finding his voice.

"She must burn a male her age on the stake and sacriface a child." She said her voice shaking. "After that she's a full member of her mothers cult. Guys please keep my snuggle bunny safe." She was crying. And she sounded like she was in car. Where was she going?

"It's ok baby girl. We'll keep him I promise you. You trust us don't you?" Morgan asked.

"Y-yes. I trust you. But please don't let my baby fall to her." She cried.

"We won't Pen. Spence will come home safe and sound." JJ said her voice was slightly shaking.

They reassured Garcia that Reid would ok and come home with them safely. Once they hung up, they turned to check on their charge. They froze. Lacie. She had him.

"Shhh. You'll wake him." She whispered. "Oh wait you can't. I put a sleeping spell on him."

"You bitch! How did you-" Morgan began.

"I'm a witch. I can sneak in and out without being noticed. But I wanted you too see your darling boy before well you don't want to know." She said half-laughing.

She began to walk away when a gun was aimed at her.

"Put my baby down." Garcia hissed.

"No. This lamb is mine." Lacie said pulling out a knife a making a small cut on a spot between his neck and shoulder. "His blood belongs to me."

It happened all to fast. Garcia out of blind rage pulled the trigger and Lacie went down. They didn't believe it. They blinked and Lacie was on the ground.

Garcia raced over and picked Spencer up, holding him tightly.

Morgan took the gun from her and led her to the SUV. He took her and Reid back to the hotel. Hotch, Rossi, and the girls stayed to clean up.

About three hours later, Hotchs phone went off.

"Morgan how is he? What? Tell me you're lying. Keep trying. For the love of God do not stop trying." He said voice shaking.

"What's wrong Aaron?" Rossi asked. His worry along with the others were increasing.

"Spencer. He won't wake up." He whispered.

They bolted out of the station.


"Please my sweet baby. Open your eyes. Please." Garcia begged.

When they got back to the hotel Morgan immideatly called a doctor. The doctor check Spencer out. Patching the small cut, and searched for other injuries. No head truama, and there were absolutly no drugs in his system. The doctor couldn't explain why he wouldn't wake up. That was three hours ago. They were still trying to wake him.

Morgan didn't want to Hotch but he had to. Taking a deep breath he dialed the number.

"Hotch. The cut was the only injury and it isn't bad. But Hotch, he won't wake up. I wish I could. Believe me Hotch I won't stop til I see my brothers eyes again." He hung up.

He crossed the room and sat down. He carded a hand through the babies soft locks.

"Baby boy. Please wake up. Please. You have to get up." Morgan begged tear threating to spill over.

Hotch and the others ran in, stopping in their tracks. JJ was crying like Garcia. Tears ran down Emilys cheek. Tears like Morgan threaten to spill over. They all sat on the bed and just talked to the slumbering toddler.

About an hour later the Chief walked in with a girl wearing a silk white cloak. The Chief told them the may be able to them.

"My names Lillith, and I'm a wiccin. I'm fairly sure I may be able to help." She intoduced herself.

She approached the bed and placed her hand on the toddlers forehead.

"You poor thing. This witch put you in a coma. Worry not though, I can help you." She said smiling warmly.

She got right to work. She chanted while ringing a bell. She touched his forehead and smiled again and turned to the family.

"He'll be alright. He'll sleep through out the night peacefully. But in order to perform this spell I had to take away the memory of the past few days. He will not remember this case no matter how much he tries or how many times you tell him." She told them. "Take care of this little lamb."

They thanked her and the Chief, they bid them goodbye and goodnight.

They looked at their baby and thanked the Lord he was going to ok. Since nobody wanted to leave they bunked with Hotch and their charge. Hotch climbed into bed and wrapped his arms tightly around his charge. They slept restlessly through out the night. This was one case they wouldn't forget. They were glad their baby wouldn't remember.

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