Chapter 135: Abby

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She whistled and whistled for her pet, but she didn't come. So the UnSub had to go out and get her victim on her own.

She trekked down the mountain carefully and headed into Pidegon Forge. She would make it to Gatlinburg late at night.

She stopped at a Dennys for a nice dinner and spotted her next victim.

The man sitting at the counter looked over at the girl and smiled. She smiled back. He went over and motioned if he could sit down. She nodded.

"Hi there." He greeted.

"Good evening." She greeted back.

"What are you doing here all by yourself?" He asked.

"Just here for dinner. And I've always been a lone wolf." She said.

"You don't have any family? Friends?" He asked.

"No. Just me. I'm Addison by the way. Or Addie if you want." She said.

"Howdy Addie. I'm Kyle." He said.

They shared a meal and headed back to Addison's cabin. Once there, she made a few drinks and drugged one of them, Rohypnol and gave the man the drink, she showed him around. He noticed there were no pictures of her parents or any siblings, but there were a lot of crucifixes.

"Religious are we?" Kyle said. He was starting to feel lethargic.

"Just a little," Addison said.

Kyle suddenly collapsed. But before he completely blacked out, he saw a demonic smile on Addison's face.

"Sleep well little lamb. Your hour of sacrifice is coming." She said.

Back at the cabin.

The team had their guns trained on the bear as she got in. Hotch was glad he had woken in time and rushed Spencer upstairs and put him in one of the girl's rooms. But Spencer got out, ran downstairs and saw his family getting ready to take fire.

"NO! DON'T HUWT HER!" He shouted and stood in front of the bear, intent on protecting her.

"Spencer, get back upstairs!" Hotch shouted.

"No! Daddy don't huwt her. Peas don't." Spencer begged.

They saw tears filling the toddler's eyes. No matter what size Spencer was, he was always gentle. Hotch couldn't allow his son to be hurt or killed by that thing. Hotch would protect his son no matter what, even if it meant going against his wishes.

The bear was grateful the child was trying to help. She remembered she had a cub. But he sadly died at the hands of a poacher, so the bear understood the man's reasons for pointing the gun towards her. She knew the man would protect his son. She failed to protect hers. But she needed help! Her owner was out of control and needed to be brought to justice!

She noticed the toddler coming towards her. She lowered her head so he could pat it. She nuzzled his cheek. 'That's right, little one. I won't harm you.'

"Tee Daddy. She won't hawm anyone. I fint she wants us to help hew." Spencer said.

"What do you mean, Pretty Boy?" Morgan asked, lowering his gun.

"I mean, what if she be'ongs to fa UnTub? She tould help us find hew." He said.

The team put their guns away and looked at the bear's tag on her collar. Sure enough, the name Addison popped up. Addison Bridges. Garcia ran a check and found that she was their UnSub. Addison started killing on the day after church when the priest said she was possessed by a demon that couldn't be exorcised. Since Addison had mental problems, she took it seriously and began her murders, starting with her parents. Later, she legally adopted a black bear named Abby.

"Abby, whewe doet youw ownew live?" Spencer asked.

Abby went outside and pointed to the mountains towards Pidgeon Forge. The team decided to head that way in the morning. It was too late to go now. Plus, it was Spencer's bedtime.

"Night Abby. I pwomise will mate Ad'son pay." Spencer told the bear and hugged her.

Abby nuzzled Spencer. 'Thank you, little one. You remind me so much of my son.'

Garcia snapped photos of that cute scene. Hotch smiled and picked up the baby. He patted Abby's head.

"I'm sorry, Abby, about pointing my gun at you. I'll protect Spencer in any way I can. I'm sure you understand." He said, taking the groggy boy downstairs for his bath.

'I understand fully. I was once a single parent. I had to protect Koda, but I failed. I hope that never happens to you.' She thought. Abby went outside and lay down in the snow. She loved how it felt and how it sparkled in the moonlight.


Kyle slowly came too and found himself bound and gagged.

"Your hour of sacrifice is now little lamb. Your body and blood will be offered to the goddess of the night. Plus, your meat will keep my pet satisfied when she comes home." Addison said.

She raised the knife in her hand and started saying a prayer in another language, and down came the knife.

She stabbed him cleanly and began skinning him.

About an hour later, she placed the skin, organs, and other parts in separate freezers. She took the bloody skeleton and placed it in her bag.

She trekked down to the spot where she had placed her last skeleton and spotted her pet.

'Perfect. Someone's there in that cabin. She'll bring the person or persons to me. Good job Abby. Now, back to my abode where I shall wait patiently for you.' Addison thought.

She headed back to her cabin.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2023 ⏰

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