Chapter 58: Auntie Em Auntie Em

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The next day a warm breeze blew across the plains. The smell of moisture was heavy.

"There's gonna be a storm. Maybe a twister." A voice said.

"Please. Let me go." a soft voice pleaded.

The voice chuckled. It reached out and palmed the cheek of the soft voice.

"Soon. I'll let you go soon. You'll go in the wind." It said and it disappeared.

"No! Please!" The soft voice cried.

Back at the hotel.

Spencer paced the room. This case had him baffled. Five people went missing. One had escaped, and the others were found after a tornado. All victims are 20-25, female, students. The UnSub male 25-30. Not much else. But what got him was, since 4 of the victims were found after a tornado the UnSub had no dumpsite. The victims were students at the same school. Spencer figured the UnSub is or was an expert storm chaser.

"Hey Baby Boy. How's it going?" Morgan asked walking into the room with lunch.

"I fint our UnTub might be or was a torm tasher." the toddler said.

"Hmm would explain him using tornados as a weapon. I'll tell Hotch later, but for now lunch time." Morgan picking him up and sitting him down in the chair.

The two ate and chatted. Spencer fisted his eyes. Morgan helped clean him up and the table. He then settled the toddler in his lap and rocked him. Once asleep he laid him down and called Hotch.

"Hey Hotch. Spencer thinks the UnSub could be or was a storm chaser. Yeah. He's fine. Alright. We'll be here. It looks like it may storm any time now. You too. Bye." He hung and sat down next to his charge getting back to work.

Back at the station.

The others were getting nowhere. Hotchs phone went off.

"Yeah Morgan. That would explain the tornados. Spencer okay? We're almost done for the day we've got nothing. If you do come back in the next hour be careful. Bye." He ended the call.

Emily came running in.

"Hotch we need to go. They've put out a tornado warning." She said.

"Gather the others. I'll meet you outside." He said.

She turned and the power went out.

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