Chapter 85: Warwick Rhode Island

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"Warwick Rhode Island. A serial rapist had escaped late last night and has taken an old victim. Lilliah Allura. She was kidnapped by this man when she was 7 and is 20. She was raped repeatedly and beaten. She was taken off campus from the University early this morning. Witnesses heard him shout "She's mine, she's mine." Her boyfriend Luis called the local PD and filed for missing person. This UnSub also has a history of severe violent episodes and has a personality disorder." JJ relayed.

"Fa UnTub pwobably found out fat she wat alive and went aftew hew to 'finit' wat he tarted." Reid said scratchily.

The family looked toward him.

"Baby boy, you feeling ok?" Morgan asked with concern laced in his voice.

"I'm otay." He rasped.

"You sure my mini G-man? You sound like you have a frog in your throat." Garcia asked.

"I'm sure." Spencer said clearing his throat.

The team glanced at each other worriedly. The last time he had a sore throat on a case he wound up with strep. But he had also had a fever. He doesn't have one this time.

'Perhaps it's his tonsils.' Hotch thought.

Hotch remembered the statics his youngest gave him for tonsils one time. Most people get them out at an early age while others later on in life. Coming out of his thoughts he made a mental note to take Spencer to the doctor as soon as the case was finished. For the time being he'd have to make sure his youngest was comfortable.

When they landed the boy and girls seperated in the two SUVs and headed off towards the station.


Hotch, Morgan, and Rossi walked in and was greeted by the Chief.

"I'm Chief Anderson Mitchell. I thought you said there was more of you." He said.

"I'm SSA Hotchner, Morgan, and Rossi. And there are SSAs Prentiss, Jareau, Garcia, and Reid. They went to the hotel." Hotch said.

"Ahh. I bet it's the little agents naptime." The Chief said.

"Yeah." Hotch simply said.

The led the men down the hall to the room they'd using as headquaters for the time being.

"Here y'all go. Holler if you need anything." Anderson said and walked back to his office.

"Alright. Let's this done and over with as soon as possible." Hotch said.

The two men nodded in agreement. They didn't want Spencer to suffer another minute. Opening the boxes and files, they got straight to work.


The girls carried in a sleeping but an uncomfortable baby. JJ rocked him hoping he'd calm down a bit. But it wasn't working.

"You don't think my snuggle bunny is getting strep again, do you?" Garcia asked.

"No. It's just his tonsils." JJ said. Seeing the confused looks on her friends faces she sighed. "Henry was like this before he got his tonsils out. He was cranky, uncomfortable, miserable. But he doesn't have a fever. So no. He's not getting strep."

"Well then we better wrap this case up as soon as possible. But for now, let's try to get boy genius here to rest awhile and make him comfortable." Emily said.

Settling her charge in her lap, the girls grabbed a file and got working.

Garcia typing up a storm, had found something.


Morgan sighed heavily. They had nothing. Hotchs phone rang startling the men. Seeing that it was Garcia he put her on speaker.

"Go ahead Garcia." he said.

"That fast?" Morgan questioned. "Nope."

"Ok so tell us." Rossi said.

"Wow. Good job Garcia. How's Spencer? I figured as much. We'll bring him some popsicles. Thanks you guys. Keep an eye on him. We're on our way." Hotch said ending the call.


Garcia checked, double checked, and triple checked everything before calling the bossman. She dialed the number.

"Ok bossman. I looked up the name of our victim Lilliah, and got the name of her captor." She said. "Yes this fast. You doubt my skills? Glad you asked. Captor is Micheal Burton. The same Micheal Burton who was arrested for the kidnapping and rape of Lilliah and the same Micheal Burton that escaped and re-captured Lilliah."

"Wow Garcia." Emily said.

"Thank you thank you. Uncomfortable. JJ said it's definitly the tonsils. You are most welcome bossman. We will. Be safe." She hung up.

"Good job Pen." JJ said. She then looked down at a pair of teary eyes looking at her. She frowned. She hated seeing him like this. "Oh Spence. I know you're uncomfortable and hurting. But you need to hang on a little longer. Kay?"

"Kay." He managed to get out.

The girls looked at him worriedly. This was no fun. Hotch and the others walked in. Getting a popsicle out of the box he handed it the baby and put rest in the freezer.

Reid sucked on his popsicle. The coolness was really helping. Using his free hand, he fisted his eyes. He was tired.

While he was finishing his popsickle, the team filled him in.

'Wow. That was fast! Though I know why their doing this. They want to get this over with and get me home to a doctor.' He thought.

When he finished his popsickle, Hotch gave him his bath and got him ready for bed. After tucking him in, he kissed his forehead and decided to work for a while.


"I've missed you. My sweet Lilly."

Muffled sobs filled the room.

"Now now. Don't cry. I love it when you smile."

Muffled screams filled the room.

"Sweet dreams my sweet Lilly."

Lilliah passed out from the pain.

Evil laughter filled the sky. This guy was a class A psycho.

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