Chapter 51: Spencer Hotchner and damn you Strauss!

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"Alright. That's good. So it's all taken care off? Good, good. He'll be happy to know. Yeah I told him last night. He was pretty happy with it. Thank you so much Garcia. Alright. We don't leave til later so let me know and contact the pilots. I will. Bye." Hotch said hanging up his cell.

He'd been talking to Garcia. She got the adoption file and Spencer was officially a Hotchner. He was beyond happy. Spencer really needed a father, and he was without a son and since he considered Spencer a son it worked.

Spencer woke up, grabbed Artemis, slide of the bed dragging the blanket behind him and tottled over to his new father. Hotch chuckled at his appearence. He was so cute when he woke up. His hair stuck out everywhere, thumb in his mouth, Artemis in his arm. What made it cuter was the blanket he was dragging. He lifted him up and settled him in his lap.

"Good morning Spencer." Hotch said kissing the top of his head.

Spencer mumbled something around his thumb. Hotch laughed, and thought he heard a 'good morning.'

"I talked to Garcia this morning. Spencer Reid no longer exsists. You're my son now." He said.

Spencer smiled and snuggled into Hotch. Hotch rubbed his back, but he knew he needed to get his charge ready before he fell back asleep. He grabbed Spencers clothes, tossed the blanket back on the bed with Artemis and carried the sleepy toddler into the bathroom for his bath.

"Ok bossman eveything is set .Spencer is officially yours now. Yep. All taken care off. Spencer Reid no longer exsists but Spencer Hotchner does. Did you tell him yet? Good, I'll bet the boy needs a father and it's about time. Your absoluty welcome bossman. Oh heads up you may have another case to get to. Will do. Be sure to tell the others the good news. PG out!" Garcia said.

She was so happy Spencer get a father and another childhood. But she was upset. The team may have another case to get to. She was getting lonely without her Junior G-man!

After a few minutes Strauss came in. Garcia rolled her eyes before turning around.

"How can I help you ma'am?" She said with a fake smile.

"Why did I just get a call telling me that Agent Reid no longer exsists?" Strauss asked coldily.

Garcia explained how scientists and doctors around the world were hunting him to study him, that and Hotch adopted him. Strauss only nodded. She understood, but didn't want to say anything.

"Anyway, the other reason I'm here is that your team has another case. Imform them and the pilots." She said leaving.

"Bitch." Garcia said turning around. She rolled backed to her desk and dialed Hotchs number. He answered after the third ring.

"Hey bossman. Strauss says you guys are on the case. I'm going to contact the pilots and let them know, but I thought I should you know first. Yes sir. Bye." She said ending the call. She quickly dialed the pilots number.

"Hello. Penople Garcia. I'm calling to inform you that the BAU has another case to get to today. Yes. Okalahoma sir. That's right. Okalahoma City. Yes sir. Thank you very much. Fly safe. Bye bye." She said.

Now she really was beginning to miss her Junior G-man! And the rest of the family of course.

"So wait Spencer is now officially your son?" Rossi asked.

"Mmmhmmm. Garcia took care of everything." Hotch said.

"Wow. That's great actually. I'm so happy for you two." JJ said.

Hotch was glad they approved. They smiled at the father and still sleepy toddler. Hotchs phone went off. Morgan took the groggy boy from Hotch and went to go answer his phone.

"Hotchner." He said. He looked back at the team, and saw Morgan getting the boy to eat his cereal. He relaxed when he saw his charge take a few bites. "We do have a case. Alright. That's fine. Contact them and I'll call you later so you brief the team on the case. Bye."

He went back to the table and sat down. He told his team they had yet another case to get to. Morgan swore he was gonna kill Strauss.

When they finished their breakfast they headed for the airstrip.

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