Chapter 100: Didn't see this coming

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"Don't worry Kyle. Your home now."

"No. I'm not Kyle! I'm Andrew!"

"N no. Kyle it's okay. Your home."

"No! I'm Andrew!"


The white walls were once again stained by blood. Speed started to repaint the walls.


"Hotch! I fint I know whewe fa UnTub lives!" Reid exclaimed

Hotch came into the room and looked at the map.

"Hewe. Aftew looting at fa map again, I wealized fat fa the dumptites and abdution tites all tonneted tome how. And loot if you tonnet fa dots." He said drawing on the map."You'll find fa UnTub."

Hotch looked at the map and his charge was right. He called Rossi, Emily, Will, and Morgan over and they headed to the UnSubs house.

Reid looked over at JJ and saw worry in her eyes. He went over and tugged on her pants. She looked down and saw the toddler. She smiled and lifted him up. He hugged his mother.

"Awe you and Will otay?" He asked.

"Yes sweetie. Were good. Though we still want a little more time. Just to be sure." She said.

"It'll be otay." He said.

She nodded. She laughed when his stomach growled.

"How about a snack to hold us over til dinner?" She asked.

"Otay." He blushed.

JJ settled him at the table and went to the fridge. She pulled out a bag full of fruit. It had bananas, strawberries, blueberries, and apples. She poured some in his bowl and handed him a fork. He dug into the fruit. She smiled as he ate. Hotch had told her how they needed to monitor Spencers diet since he came up short on the height and weight scale.

UnSubs house.

The UnSub was unaware of the people outside ready to storm in. He just painted away.

The team stormed in and cleared the second and ground floors. They headed to basement. In the basement they saw UnSub paint the bloodstained walls. He didn't even notice them. He continued to paint. They body on the bed. The sight made even Hotch cringe in pain. He was glad his youngest wasn't there. He'd have nightmares for weeks.

The cuffed the UnSub and took back to the station.


They didn't need a confession, the evidence against him was enough. So he was taken straight to the cells.

They cleaned up and the Chief thanked them for their services. The gathered their items and headed to the hotel.


The tiredly made their way into the hotel. Hotch carried the sleeping baby to their room. Morgan, Rossi, and Emily decided to head to the hotel bar and have a few drinks. JJ was talking to Will in the lobby.

"So y'all finished here huh?" Will asked.

"Yep. We're finished." JJ said.

"Why don't you stay a few days?" He asked.

"We have to get home. Morgan and Emily have their pets, Rossi likes his privacy, and I bet Hotch wants to get Spencer home after all he's been through the past week, the poor boy needs to stay home and chill. Plus he's been sick so I imagine Hotch wants to get him home as soon as possible." She said.

"What about you Cher? Why don't you stay. Spend a little time with Henry." He said.

"I I don't know." She stammered.

"Please? He misses you." He pressed.

"Ok. I'll stay. Just for Henry. We still need our time." She said.

"Of course." He said.

The next morning.

JJ ran it by Hotch that she was staying a few days. He agreed. A half-asleep Spencer reached out for her. She laughed and took him.

"Good morning sleepy head." She said.

He didn't answer he just fisted his eyes and gave her a hug. She hugged him back before giving him back to Hotch.

She palmed his cheek and kissed his forehead. "I'll see you in a few days Spence. Be good."

"Otay." He whispered falling back to sleep.

They laughed. Hotch got Spencer settled in his car seat and gave JJ a hug telling her to be careful.

She waved as they drove away. She got her stuff and headed to see Henry.

Wills house (Parents).

"MOMMY!" Shouted an extremly happy Henry.

She hugged him tightly. God she missed him. He took her hand and led her to the play room where they played.

Will smiled. He missed his love. But he knew they need more time to sort things out. Which was ok. They both were prefectly fine waiting for each other.


Hotch handed Reid over to Garcia and they disappeared in her office. The others warily trudged to their places.

A few hours later Garcia came into Hotchs office with Spencer.

"Sir. You might want to look at the news." She said.

He turned on his tv and he couldn't believe it.

Morgan and Rossi came in when they saw Garcia and Reid the office. They followed gazes and they too couldn't believe it.

"The body of FBI Director Erin Strauss was found moments ago. She apparently was home alone and found bloody and beaten in her home." The reporter said.

The mail carrier came in and handed Hotch an envelope. They gathered and read it together.

This is the beginning BAU.

I plan on coming after you next. Starting with the little one.

Be cautious. For I am watching you.

Forever and always,

The Arch Angel

FBI's Most Youngestحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن