Chapter 88: More cooling pacifiers

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Hotch wasn't sure how long he was asleep for, but he woke up just in time to see Reid waking up. Reid looked around trying to remember where he was, when he did he raised his arms to Hotch. Hotch smiled a gently picked him up mindful of the IV in his hand. Hotch was suprised his son didn't notice the pacifier in his mouth. He settled in the rocker and began to rock while talking to him.

The nurse popped in and smiled at the sleepy toddler.

"Hi little guy. I see the cooling pacifier is helping. When I was your age and younger my grandmother to soothe sore throats would stick our pacifiers in the freezer and give them to us. It worked like charm. Just gonna check your vitals and temp then you can go right back to sleep." She said. She chuckled at the father and son. She remembered that she didn't like cribs and would sleep better in her dad's or brother's arms. "Ok little guy, vitals are good and fever's broken. All good. You can go back to sleep little one."

Reid didn't need to told twice. He closed his eyes and fell right back to sleep. Hotch and the nurse chuckled. She gently took the pacifier out Reids mouth.

"I'll get another one for him. I'm Sophie by the way." She whispered and walked out of the room to get another pacifier for Spencer.

Hotch chuckled a bit. He pulled out his phone and saw his new background. He smiled. Spencer looked adorable with the pacifier in his mouth. He decided to send the image to Garcia. He laughed quietly at the reponse.

'WHY HAVEN'T YOU MESSAGED US? btw, SO CUTE! When can we visit?'

Hotch texted back.

'Alright. Be there soon!'

He smiled and snapped his phone shut. Sophie popped back in with another cooling pacifier. She woke Reid and stuck it in his mouth. He fisted his eyes sleepily and laid back onto Hotch. Sophie smiled and left to finish her rounds.

Hotch began to rock again and sang a lullaby. Spencer dropped right back off.


The family was getting anxious. They haven't heard from Hotch in over 3 hours! Garcia's phone buzzed. It was Hotch! The family crowded around. They saw the image of Spencer. It was so cute! The girls 'awed' while Rossi and Morgan smiled. Garcia messaged Hotch. He answered back and she read the message aloud.

"Sorry Garcia. Wanted Spencer to rest a while and I fell asleep. And you can visit anytime now just be quiet. Spencer just fell back asleep." She said. "Awww. My poor baby."

She messaged Hotch back that they be there soon. They packed up their stuff, piled in an SUV and headed to the hospital.


Reid was still sleeping peacefully sucking on the cooling pacifier. Hotch kissed the top of his head and continued to rock. His family popped in. Hotch smiled and warned again to be quiet.

"How adorable!" The girls quietly exclaimed.

The men laughed quietly.

"How is he Aaron?" Rossi asked.

"Good so far. He had a slight fever after the operation but it broke." Hotch said.

"What's up with the pacifier?" Morgan asked.

"It's a cooling pacifier. The doctor doesn't want him sucking his thumb, plus the nurse Sophie said when she was little her grandmother would use a cooling pacifier to soothe sore throats. It's been working. I'll have to remember this when we go home." Hotch explained.

The family chatted a while. Hotch's phone went off. It was the creature from the black lagoon. She needed him and someone else to go to a consult. Morgan volunteered to look after Spencer. Hotch nodded. He reluctantly handed Spencer to Morgan. Reid startled awake a moment and Morgan was holding him. He snuggled into him and dropped off again. The girls once again 'awed.' Morgan rolled his eyes and settled in the rocker. He kissed the top of the baby's head and rocked.

Hotch told them he'd be back to say goodnight to Spencer. The family wanted him to get some sleep, shower, and pack. So Hotch and Rossi did that.

Later that night.

Hotch came back to the hospital as promised and saw a new cooling pacifier in his sons mouth. He also saw his son was barely awake. Hotch knelt down in front of his two sons. He palmed his cheek and kissed his forehead.

"Hey buddy. I got to go to a consult. Morgan's gonna look after you while I'm gone. So behave for me okay." Hotch said.

Reid nodded. He raised his arms and and Hotch scooped him up and hugged him.

"Good night daddy." He whispered.

Hotch smiled. "Good night son."

Hotch reluctantly handed Reid back to Morgan.

"I should only be a few days. Call if he needs me." Hotch was cut off before he could finish.

"Hotch man. I got this. You know I'll call if there's trouble. Plus I have the girls to help. Now go before you miss your flight." Morgan said.

Hotch nodded. He trusted Morgan. He left with Rossi.


Hotch was beyond frantic. Though he had Rossi there so he wouldn't make any rash decisions like Strauss's dimise. Though he could see the gears in his head turning, and he too was plotting Strauss's downfall. He swore he was going to pay her back for this.

Hotch dug out his phone and looked at the background. He smiled and drifted off.


Sophie popped in to check on Spencer one time for the night.

"I take it he doesn't like the crib." She said.

"Nah. He prefers his big brothers arms." He said.

"Me too." She said. "All good. Be back tomorrow to check him out and again if he gets the go ahead to go home."

"Thank you." Morgan said.

"Welcome. There's some blankets and pillows in the closet. The couch doubles as a bed." She said.

Morgan nodded. Gently and mindful of the toddler's IV he grabbed a blanket and a pillow, and settled for the night.

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