Chapter 64: Profilers day out

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Morgan settled Spencer in the stroller and walked in between JJ and Garcia, Emily was on JJs other side. Hotch and Rossi were called away on a consult and Morgan vlounteered to keep Spencer while they were away. The girls planned on going to the mall and invited the boys to go along. Morgan agreed to get the kid out of the house for awhile.

The girls wandered into a dress and started trying things on. JJ came out wearing a long purple prom style dress.

"What do you think?" She asked.

Emily, Garcia, and Morgan answered in unison "I like it."

JJ smiled and turned to the toddler and he blushed.

"What do you think sweetie." She asked.

"You look pwetty." He said shyly, blushing a bright red.

"Aww. Thank you." She said, giving a kiss on the cheek.

Spencer blushed even more. Emily and Garcia gave him an 'aw' and Morgan chuckled.

They tried on a few more things and moved on. They waled around and found a Disney store. They went in and saw all kinds of costumes, clothes, and toys. Morgan and Spencer played around with the toys while the girls went mad over the clothes and costumes. When they left they went by a cookie store.

"Mowgan. Tan, tan I have a tootie?" The toddler asked.

Morgan chuckled. He knew Spencer had a major sweet tooth. But it was almost lunch time and Hotch didn't Spencer having sugar before he ate.

"After lunch Baby Boy." He said.

"Otay." Spencer said.

They visited a few more stores and headed to the food court. Morgan and Spencer shared a 10 piece nugget from the Mickey Ds, the girls got something from an italian resturant. The girls laughed as the boys played with their food and Spencer pretended to feed Artemis.

After lunch, Morgan let Spencer have a cookie. Instead of one cookie, Morgan got a bag full of small sugar, and chocolate chip cookies. They visited a few more stores and headed home.

Morgan carried in a peacefully sleeping Spencer. He had fallen asleep on the way home. The went over to JJs to try on all the stuff they bought. They planned to meet for dinner later. Morgan took Spencer upstairs and laid him down. Clooney came in and jumped on the bed lying down next to toddler. Spencer snuggled into him. Morgan chuckled and took a picture saving it as his background. He palmed the toddlers cheek and patted the German Shepards head.

"Keep an eye on him Clooney, and keep the monsters away." He told the dog.

Clooney looked at his master as if to say 'you can count on me'. Morgan stole another glance and left for his office. He had paperwork to finish and properties to check up on.

Dinner was fun. Spencer and Morgan played x's and o's on the place matts, the girls in their own world. The waitress came.

"Hello. I'm Kara and I'll be taking care of you. Can I get you something to drink?" She asked.

"I'll have a Coke." Morgan said.

"Water with lemon." JJ said.

"Pen and I want an Ice tea." Emily said.

"Would you like a pitcher?" The waitress asked.

"Sure. That'll work." She said.

"Tote-Tola peas." Spencer said.

The waitress smiled. "You got it sweetie. That's a nice looking dog you have there. What's his name?"

"Awtemis." Spencer said.

"That's a good name. Alright let me get these and I'll be back to take your orders." She said.

Morgan chuckled and patted the boys back.

"Look at you. Getting the ladies." He said.

"It's the eyes" The girls said together.

They all laughed. The waitress came back with their drinks and took their order. While they wait they all played hangman.

About 10 minutes the waitress came back with their food and passed it out. Morgan got a philly cheesesteak and fries, Emily got a patty melt and a salad, Garcia got a crispy chicken sandwhich and fries, JJ got a panini and a salad, Spencer got kids chicken fingers and fries. They ate and enjoyed themselves. After dinner they decided to walk around town for a bit.

After awhile Morgan looked at his charge to see why he was quiet. He smiled when he saw Spencer was knocked out.

"Aww. Looks like it's someones bedtime." JJ said.

They headed back to the resturant, said their good nights and headed for home. When he got there Morgan woke Spencer long enough to give him a bath and change him. He put the baby to bed and kissed his forehead.

"Sleep tight buddy." He whispered. Clooney came in and once again laid next to the toddler.

Before Morgan called it a night his phone rang. It was Hotch. Assuring Spencer was fine, the profilers hung up and went to bed. Twas a good day.

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