Chapter 91: Hunter Hunted

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"Run my prey run."

He sat in his usual perch watching his victim try to figure which to go.

While it was fun, he work to do. He had to get his new home. He snuck up behind the jogger and pressed a cloth to his face. He carried him back to his cabin.

He hummed a tune. "Time to get you home and ready."


Reid knuckled his eyes. He had been non-stop for the past three hours. The adults were getting worried. If they don't make their youngest sleep soon, he'll get stir crazy. Plus their youngest just had surgery a few days ago, he needed to sleep not make himself sick trying to find their bad guy.

Deciding the boy was done for now, they feed him lunch but he still didn't want to lay down.

"I hafe to wowt Mowgan. *yawn* I hafe to find ouw UnTub." Reid said sleepily.

"The only thing you're doing is going down for a nap, stubborn butt." a voice said.

All of them turned. It was Hotch and Rossi!

"Hey Hotch. Just in time. We cannot get the kid to lay down." Morgan said.

"Tattle tale." Spencer pouted. He tried to stifle a yawn, but no dice.

Hotch scooped him and grabbed his bag.

"Alright you, wether you like it or not you're going down for your nap." Hotch said sternly.

"Otay." Spencer yawned.

Feeling Reid lay his head on his shoulder, he was sure he fell asleep. Hotch rubbed back and got Reid settled in the SUV.

"Keep me updated." Hotch said.

"We will. I should be soon." Morgan said.

Hotch nodded and headed for the hotel.

Morgan got back inside and helped the girls get Hotch and Rossi up to speed. The Chief walked in.

"Another hiker went missing." He said. "I'm heading to the woods to see if we find something."

"We'll come with you." Rossi and Morgan said.

The Chief nodded and the three headed for the woods.


Hotch settled the sleeping baby in the bed and got to work. His buzzed. Cursing himself for not putting it on silent, he read the text from Morgan saying their heading to the woods. He texted back and turned his attention back to the case and his charge.

When Spencer woke up he got right back to work and found three hunting grounds together and one a few miles away. Also using Goggle Earth he found a lone cabin in one of the hunting grounds. Sending a quick text to Morgan to look for the cabin he got back to work.

Hotch shook his head. 'One these days my charge is going to learn the meaning of relax.'


Morgan had recivied the message from his brother and kept his eye out for the cabin. They did however find the body of the last victim.

"Buried faced down. Any ideas why?" The Chief asked.

"Remorse. After he kills he stand to the face of the victim so he buries them upside down." Morgan explained.

"I see." He said.

Rossi looked and saw smoke filled the sky.

"Guys. Look there." He said pointing the clouds.

They looked and decided that the cabin may be in that direction. They bolted that way.

Sure enough they found the cabin and the UnSub. Morgan handled the UnSub, Rossi and the Chief took care of the victim. They headed back to the station. On their way back Morgan called Hotch to bring Spencer. He seemed to have a way with the UnSubs.

'It's the eyes, I know it!' Morgan thought.

Station, Interrogation room 9

Hotch brought Reid like Morgan asked and put the boy on his feet. Morgan let the baby in by himself and watched cautiously.

The UnSub heard the pitter patter of little feet. He looked and metled at the sight of the three year old. He smiled at the boy as he climbed up on the table and sat down studing him.

"Hello there. My my such a handsome boy. I had a son. He was killed in a hunting accident. I was furious. I killed a man hunting and then couldn't stop. I wanted to avenge my son. That was seven years ago. I've killed a ton of people in that time." The UnSub said. As he was being taken away the UnSub gave Spencer an unsettling smile. "The hunt never stops little one. I be back out to hunt again."

Hotch raced in and scooped him up. The family praised their young one for a job well done. After they cleaned up their messes they packed up and headed to the hotel.


After a nice dinner, Hotch helped a very sleepy toddler get his bath. Once he was done Hotch tucked him in for the night. He kissed his forhead and settled himself next to his son for the night.

Qauntico Prison

Sirens blared through the night sky. German Shepards barking loudly chasing the man who had just escaped.

The man ran to a wooded area and jumped into a river and ducked underneath to throw off the dogs smell. When he was sure they were gone, he headed out again. Finding a small cave to rest in.

"I'm coming my son. And were going home for good this time." He said.

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