Chapter 127: A Twist

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'Unknown Location'

"What should we do now?" Micheal asked.

"Continue. But we need the father and son. Or at least the son." The father said.

"But the baby is with his father and with the team. They'll protect him no matter the cost." Micheal said.

"Then get the baby. No matter the cost." The father said.

"Yes sir," Micheal said.


Spencer woke to humming and a hand rubbing his back. He opened his eyes and rubbed the sleep out of them. It took a second to realize he was with his dad and family at the hospital. He lifted his head from his father's chest and found him smiling at him.

He smiled back sleepily and yawned.

"How *yawn* do you feel daddy?" Spencer asked.

Hotch chuckled and kissed the boy's forehead.

"Better. My headaches are gone at least." Hotch said.

"Good. Then you might get to leave today." The doctor said coming in.

He went up the monitor and checked Hotch's vitals and everything else. While doing so he smiled at the half-asleep toddler lying on his chest.

"Hey, little guy. How's daddy today?" He asked.

"Bettew. Tan he tome home?" Spencer asked.

"Sure little one. Everything checks out. You're free to go." The doctor said unhooking Hotch from everything.

Rossi handed Hotch his go bag and took Spencer. Rossi felt his head come to rest on his shoulder. He smiled. He thought it was cute how it took forever for Spencer to wake from his naps and get up in the morning.

Once Hotch was changed and signed the release forms they headed back to the station. It was time to give the media a profile.


JJ was in the ladies'' prepping for the press. She always got a little nervous but that came with the job. Once she was done psyching herself up she headed to the board room.

Along the way, she almost ran into Spencer. She scooped him and held him tightly as she continued down the hallway.

"Spence. What are you doing down here? I thought you were with Morgan?" She asked.

Spencer played with the hem of her shirt.

"I I taw fat you wewe newvous s so I fought you tould ute fwiend." He said.

JJ was touched. She kissed his cheek and chuckled when he blushed. She set him down as soon as they got to the door.

"Now sweetie. If the UnSubs are watching then I don't want them to see we have a child with us, so go back to Morgan ok?" JJ said.

Spencer nodded. As he was about to turn a pair of hands grabbed him from behind. He squeaked.

"Relax kiddo. It's only me." Rossi chuckled settling Reid on his hip. "Morgan was starting to get worried when you didn't come back."

"Sowwy," Spencer said.

"Don't be sorry Spence, Morgan needs to lighten up," JJ said.

The three laughed. Rossi and Spencer then disappeared, leaving JJ to do her job. She went in, and the press was all over her.

"We believe both UnSubs have medical training and are father and son. Of course, both are male and white. The father would be in his 60s or 70s, the son in his late teens to early twenties and a recent med school student or graduate. If you have any info about the recent victims, the place they are using or the UnSubs themselves, please call the tip line. Thank you." JJ said and left the room.

JJ joined the rest of her team in the conference room.

'I have to tell them. It's for Spence's safety.' She thought. "Guys I have something to tell you. Something I should have yesterday."

"What is it JJ?" Hotch asked.

She told them. She told them about the teen who brought the first aid and how he knew she had a child. She told them how she suspected him of being one of the UnSubs.

Morgan picked up Spencer and held him tightly.

"JJ. Why didn't you say anything before?" Morgan asked unconsciously tightening his hold.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know and when he knew I got scared. I knew I should've said something, but I got worried that if I did something would happen." She apologized.

They forgave her but Hotch scolded her saying next time she should say something. JJ nodded.

Spencer looked at his surrogate mother. He got out of Morgan's hold and went to hug JJ. JJ smiled, picked him up and hugged him back.

They got to work and worked for several hours. Or until Spencer conked out for the night. Hotch smiled and scooped up the sleeping toddler. He was startled awake by something.

"What's wrong buddy?" Hotch asked.

Hotch felt him shiver, and he frowned. He tightened his hold and tried to find what woke his sleeping charge.

The others looked around, and one of the UnSubs was there. Hotch gave Spencer to the girls and told them to try and sneak out. But JJ had other plans. She watched as Emily and Garcia took Spencer, and she grabbed her gun and went after the UnSub.

Once she had a clear shot, she took it. She was expecting the son, but she got the father? If this was the father? Where was the son?

In the distance

"No. Father..." Micheal mourned. "I shall avenge you and continue your work. That baby will be ours, and we shall be known!"

Micheal headed back to the abandoned hospital to 'prepare' for his next 'patient'.

Satisfied, he left the room. He knew he couldn't get closer, but could watch during his shift at the hotel.

"Time to work." He said to himself.

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