Chapter 21: Another case in North Dakota

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Reid and Rossi were happily playing the next morning after breakfast. Rossi was a tad upset that his charge was going home tonight. Reid being small was a chance for him to be father. Rossi shook his head. Right now he and his charge were gonna play til the paranoid twins came home. They were playing hide and seek. Whenever Rossi would find Reid he'd lift him up and tickle him.

While they were playing the instant messenger on the laptop beeped.

BlondeandDangerous: Rossi, Reid. I'm you two but we have case in North Dakota, wheels up now.

GameHunter6: On our way.

Rossis prayer to have Reid alittle longer was answered. Though he knew Hotch would be there, but at least he had some time.

"Come on Sport. We gotta go." He told the toddler.

Thet packed and loaded their go-bags and headed to the jet. The girls were there waiting for them.

"So what do have?" Asked Rossi.

"North Dakota has a serial killer and a rapist working together. They've killed and raped 20 people 10 women, 5 men, and 5 childern. 3 of those childern were Reids rapist rapes them fisrt for the killers pleasure and then he kills him. Both UnSubs are male and in their late 20s to early 30s." Garcia explained.

They didn't like this. Since 3 of the childern were Reids age they couldn't risk him being next. They decided to keep him at the hotel. Reid didn't like the idea but agreed. He had already been taken twice, he didn't want it to happen again.

When the jet landed they went their sperate ways. Rossi, Emily, and JJ went to the station while Garcia took Reid to the hotel.

When Rossi and the girls got to the station they were bombarded by the press. JJ went sraight to work. Roosi and Emily got started on their work. Placing up evidence, pictures anything they needed to solve this case.

Garcia and Reid were hard at work. Garcias fingers fyling over the keyboard and Reid busy with the map. Reid had discovered the UnSubs had two different places. One where the rape takes place and the other where the murder takes place. Calling Rossi and the others they left to the sights. Garcia ruffled the boys hair praising him. She then glanced at the clock on her laptop. It was Reids lunch time and then it was naptime. She glanced over the room service menu.

"Reid sweetie. It's lunchtime. What would you like? A hot dog or chicken nuggets?" She asked.

"Chiten." He repiled without looking up from his map.

"And what would like to drink?" She asked.

"Tan I have some Tota-tola?" He asked hopeful.

"Not a good idea sweetie. Remember after lunch it's nappy time. And you shouldn't have sugar before you sleep. But I'll what, if you cooperate I'll let you have a Coke Icee. Deal?" She asked.

"Deal. Cho'late milt peas." He said.

"You got it my Junior G-man." She said, calling room service.

With the two well fed Reid fell asleep on top of his work. Garcia snapped a picture and sent to the others. Taking the maker out his hand, she tucked him in. She recived text messages from the others. First was JJ.

'So adorable! New background!'

Next was Emily.

'Awwww so sweet. This is so going in his baby book.'

Next was Rossi.

'Bout time the kid knocked out. He works too hard.'

Garcia totally agreed. Her charge works too hard on cases. He needed to conk out for awhile. Smiling she went back to work. A few hours later Morgan and Hotch arrived. Reid tottled over to them with after nap appearence. Hair sticking out, thumb in his mouth, Artemis in his arm. He hugged Morgan and then Hotch and turned right around and plopped on his butt and got back to work. They chuckled at him. Both men left for the station.

Later that night Hotch told Reid about their consult, Reid thought it was bit boring. Reid told Hotch about his time with Rossi. He already knew the sick part. Hotch smiled at the thought of Rossi playing hide and seek. Freshly bathed and ready for bed Reid picked up Artemis. But Reid couldn't sleep yet. There was one thing he had to do first. He tottled over to Rossis room. Reid went in and the elder profiler a hug. Rossi smiled and hugged him back. Reid thanked Rossi for letting him stay with him, he had fun. Rossi carried Reid back to Hotch and bid them goodnight.

Hotch tucked Reid in and kissed him goodnight. Reid snuggled into Hotch. He missed his surrogate father. Both boys slept peacefully that night.

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