Chapter 95: Quantico

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When the team felt rested enough and ate a little they headed out. Morgan scooped up Reid blanket and all and held him tightly.

"Mowgan, I tan walt." Reid said.

"I know Baby boy. But since you're small you'll be a little slower, so just let us carry you." He said.

"Morgan right Spence, plus if we have to run we don't want to lose you. And it's still cold outside so you'll need that blanket. You can't walk or run with a big blanket like that." JJ said.

"Otay" Spencer said.

He laid his head down on Morgans shoulder. Morgan kissed his temple and rubbed his back.

"Let's go" Hotch said. "Remember voices down and step lively. We don't want Gideon to hear us."

They nodded in agreement and gathered their things. They headed and Spencer told them to head northwest. Gideons cabin was north, as was the road to get back that way was to go back north or northwest.


Gideon woke up and got ready to head back out. He figured since the team was running they'd continue south to the waterfall. But little did he know the team was heading back to the road.

He ate a little and got his hunting supplies ready. He figured he'd head southeast to the waterfall to head them off.

He trekked slowly and quietly the whole way there. When he got there he climbed to the top of the falls and started to set up. He set up a sniper rifle to the edge of the cliff and loaded his other guns. He knows they'll put up a fight.


In a few short hours they made it to the road and began to book it. They were worried about Reid. While they were trekking he bagan to shiver, violently. He fell asleep and hadn't woken up at all.

They were grateful when an out of service bus stopped and asked if they needed assistance. They piled in the bus and relaxed a tiny bit when they felt the heat.

"Where to troops?" The elder driver asked.

"FBI offices in Quantico." Hotch said.

"You got it." He said.

He drove them to the offices and they thanked him. They raced inside and gathered their go bags and such. They bolted to the SUV, piled in and drove off to each others houses to gather clean clothes. Rossi invited them to stay at his house til Gideon was recaptured.

Once at Rossis, Hotch bolted upstairs to his room and quickly showered. He dressed quickly and bathed Spencer who was still asleep. Hotch wanted to take him to the doctor to be sure he didn't have hypothermia. He quickly changed Spencer and went to the SUV. Morgan went with him.


Gideon knew that hunting took patientce but this was ridiculous. He's figure they be there by now. He decided to wait a little while longer. If they didn't show he'd trek back to the cabin and start fresh.

Little did he know the family was safe back in Quantico.

Hotchs doctor.

"Well he has slight hypothermia, but that's easily reversable. Just keep him nice and warm. He might have a small fever afterwards but that's normal, however if one does spike over 101 bring him back. Childrens fever reducer for the next few days should prevent and/or lower a fever if one should show." The doctor explained.

"Thank you doctor." Hotch said.

"What him sleeping? He's been asleep since this morning." Morgan asked worriedly.

The smiled warmly at the profiler. "His tiny body is trying to defend itself against the hypothermia and starve off any infections and viruses." He said. "He'll wake up soon, don't worry."

"Thanks man." Morgan said shaking the doctors hand.

"My pleasure. Now get him home and warm." The doctor said.

"We will." Hotch said shaking his hand.

They headed home. They needed to get their charge warm and some medicine in him.


Gideon trekked back to the cabin and restocked his supplies. Before heading back out he showered and shaved.

He cleaned the cabin a little and trekked back out in search of the BAU.

"Don't worry Spencey. You don't have to hurt anymore. I'll find you and bring you home." He said to himself.

He headed back to the falls.

Rossis Manor.

"My poor snuggle bunny!" Garcia exclaimed. She gently placed Artemis under his arms and re-wrapped the blanket around him. He finally stirred a little.

Hotch was in the rocker with his son rocking him. He rubbed his back and encouraged him to wake up.

"Come on buddy you can do it. Open you're eyes for me." Hotch said.

Reid opened his eyes a little and looked around.

"Whewe awe we?" He mumbled sleepily.

"My place. We made it out of the woods." Rossi said.

Reid nodded. He was still tired but he felt warmer. He also noticed he had Artemis. He tightly held him. He missed Artemis.

He yawned. He was really tired. He figured he had slight hypothermia, nothing life threating.

"Sleep Baby Boy. We'll be here when you decide to join us again." Morgan said.

He nodded and went back to sleep.

"We should all go to bed." Emily said.

"I agree. I don't know about all of you but I'm wicked tired." JJ said.

They made sure the doors and windows were locked, alarm was set, and guns were present and accounted for. Once that task was done they settled for the night.

Hotch settled next to his charge and held him close, afraid he was going to disappear in the night. Assuring himself he was fine he drifted off.


Gideon was furious! He figured out the team had backtracked and made their way back to Quantico.

Calling a friend for a ride he got his old Glock. Loading it he placed in it's holester and made his way back to Quantico.

'You will not escape me this time! I'll be sure of it!' He thought to himself.

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