Chapter 93: Need my family

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Spencer woke up the next morning with a stinging pain on his cheek where Gideon hit him. He sighed. He really wanted Artemis now. He heard footsteps and knew instantly it was him.

"Good morning Spencer." Gideon greeted. He noticed a burise forming on his right cheek. He gently ran a finger over it. "Sorry son. But you know better that I'm your father not Hotch."

"Yes sir." Spencer said softly.

"Good. Let's get you cleaned and dressed." He said. "If you're good you spend time with your so called 'family.'"

Wanting to see his family, he let Gideon bathe and dress him. He obediently ate his breakfast. Gideon cleaned him and the kitchen up. He then took Spencer to the living room and placed him in the playpen.

"I fought I tould tee my famaly?" Spencer asked.

"I lied." Gideon said. "You don't need them Spencer. You have me. Now I'll be in town for awhile running errands so stay in there and play like a good boy."

With that Gideon left the toddler. Gideon forgot that even though Spencer was small, he could still climb out and he left his spare keys on the coffee table.

'Gideons mind must be slipping. Last time I was able to crawl out and get a message to the team. You would think he would've learned from the last time.' Spencer thought.

Snapping out of his thoughts he quickly climbed out and got the keys. He slid a chair to door so could reach the lock he opened it and headed downstairs.


The team barely slept last night. They were worried about their youngest. They became even more worried and anxious when they heard heavy shuffling and the door unlocking. But what they didn't hear was Gideons heavy footsteps. Instead the pitter patter of little feet.

They looked up and saw it their youngest! They were happy to see him. Reid right to Hotch and jumped into his arms.

"Daddy." He sobbed a little.

"Shhh Spencer. It's okay. Daddy's right here. Daddy's got you. Shhhh it's okay." Hotch soothed rubbing comforting circles on his back.

He spotted the burise on his sons face. He was furious! Gideon was going to pay for hurting him! After lettting it out Spencer looked toward the rest of his family and raised his arms for anyone to him.

Rossi took him from Hotch and held him close. He kissed his forehead and rubbed his back. Also spotting the burise, he too was not happy. He reluctantly passed him on.

Emily took him next. She tightly held him and rocked back and forth. She was going to kill Gideon for harming her little brother. She too reluctantly passed him on.

JJ held him close whispering to him. "Shh. Spence. Mommy's got you." She like Emily rocked back and forth. She also reluctantly passed him on.

Garica took him and held tightly afraid to let go. She kissed his forehead and lightly kissed his burise. Reid smiled at her. Garcia smiled sadly back at him.

Morgan took him last and held him tightly. He rubbed his back and too whispered to him like JJ. "I got you Pretty Boy. It's ok. Big brother's here." Gideon was so going to Hell for harming his bro.

Hotch took him back and sat down. He rocked him back and forth telling him it was not his fault. When they heard wheels getting closer to the house Hotch grip tightened.

Spencer knew they would get hurt if he was down there. He wriggled out of Hotchs grip. He kissed his cheek and looked sadly at him. He jumped up and raced to the door, ignoring his family cries for him to stay.

He quickly relocked the door and set the keys in the right spot. He raced into the bathroom and waited.

When Gideon came in he noticed Spencer wasn't in his playpen. Hearing the sound of water he realized he was in the bathroom. Spencer came out and looked at Gideon.

"I had to go and touldn't wait. I'm sowwy." He lied.

"That's ok son. I didn't even think about that." He said.

He picked up the boy and landed a swat across his butt and his back. Spencer cried out.

"That was for lying for to me." He said darkly.

He settled Spencer in his booster seat, where he could watch him while he made lunch.


They heard Spencer cry out. They really wished they could be up there. The girls jumped when they heard Morgan swear.

"That bastard's abusing him." He said he voice dangerously low.

"We'll get out this Morgan. Be patient. I'll bet Spencer's up to something." Hotch said.

They nodded in agreement. If they knew Reid, he was always thinking. He'd find a way out.

Gideon came down with a tray of food for them and left. They ate quietly.


Spencer ate quietly as well. He was actually falling asleep. He too didn't sleep much last night. He ate a few bites and finished his milk. He rubbed his eyes and yawned.

Gideon looked at the baby and smiled. It was the baby's naptime. He cleaned up and took the groggy boy upstairs. He laid him down and palmed his left cheek.

"Sleep well son." He whispered. He closed the door behind him.

Spencer sat up the minute he left. He knew the cabin and the woods almost as well as Gideon. He was trying to form a plan but it was hard to think when your mind was so cloudy and sleepy. He collasped backwards and allowed his mind to shut off for awhile.

Hours later Gideon woke Spencer long enough for dinner and for his bath. Gideon was worried about him getting sick. After all Spencer slept for hours. He felt his forehead and relaxed to find it cool. He laid him down and tucked him in.


Hotch and Morgan kept a watchful eye on the door while the others slept.

Deciding they needed rest they slept too. Restlessly.

Gideons room.

Gideon was furious. Why did Spencer love them more than him? Had he done something wrong?

Pushing everything to back of his mind he got ready for bed.

"Spencer will come around old boy. Just be patient. He's confused and lost. He just needs to adjust as all." He said to himself.

He laid back and closed his eyes. Spencer was home and adjusting. All is well. Now he had to get rid of the BAU and take Spencer far away and life was complete.

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