Chapter 113: Bad feelings

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Spencer woke up the next morning with a weird feeling. Was he getting sick again? He checked his temp. Normal, pulse was normal, nothing wrong phiscally. So why the eeire feeling? Was something going to happen? He snapped out of his thoughts and tottled into the living room.

He blinked sleepily at his family who smiled at him. He tottled over to Hotch and raised his arms. Hotch immediatly picked him and settled him in his lap.

"Good morning." He said.

"Mowning." Spencer yawned around his thumb.

JJ placed a bowl of fruit in front of him. Spencer didn't feel all to hungry. He just picked at his food. The adults sent each other worried glances. A hand on his forehead brought him out his thoughts.

"Do you feel okay Spencer?" Hotch asked in no nonsense tone.

"Yes. I jut habe a weiwd (weird) feeling." He said.

"What kind of feeling? Like something bad will happen?" Emily asked.

Spencer nodded. The adults again sharded worry glances.

"We don't have to go out Baby Boy if your uncomfortable." Derek said.

"He's right my Junior G man. Plus the storm from last night is still rampanging outside." Garcia said.

Spencer looked out the window and saw that Garcia was right. The storm from last night had gotten worse.

"What'll we do all day?" Spencer asked.

"We'll find something kiddo." Rossi said.

Now feeling better and more relaxed he actually ate his fruit instead of picking at it. The adults relaxed a little. But what was the strange feeling their youngest had? Was something going to happen to one or all of them? Keeping it in mind while the others cleared the table Hotch got Spencer bathed and dressed.

When they got back to the living room Garcia, JJ and Emily were waiting. Emily took Spencer and settled him on her hip. They told Hotch they were going to take the old movies they rented and get new ones and they were taking Spencer with them. Hotch didn't argue. He knew better. He palmed Spencers cheek before they headed out.

Video store.

Emily and Garcia were looking at the different vhs's and dvd's the store had while JJ was at the front desk returning the other movies. An old looking cartoon caught Spencers eye. He patted Emilys shoulder to get her attention.

"What's up Handsome?" Emily asked.

"What tartoon is fat?" He pointed to the vhs.

"Oh that my Baby Genius is Sonic Underground." She said.

"Oh I remember that. Though I was a teen when it came out. But I have to admit it was the shit." She said.

"It still is! I love it! Would you like to get this Spencer?" JJ asked.

Spencer hadn't seen many cartoons and this one was definitely peeking his intrest. He nodded.

Garcia smiled and grabbed it. The picked out a few more movies to watch. JJ got Thor, Garcia got the live verson of Alice in Wonderland, and Emily got Incedious. Once they paid the rental fees they went back to the hotel.


The girls carried in a sleeping Reid. Emily made a beeline for his and Hotchs bedroom. She gently laid the baby down changing him. Once that was done she tucked him in kissed his forehead.

While their charge napped they threw theories around about what was going to happen to the BAU and who was going to be the new director.

About a few hours later laughter filled the air. Spencer, Morgan, Garcia, and Rossi were watching Sonic Underground. Rossi pretend to be Robotnik and tickled Spencer who pretened to Sonic everytime he came up with a plan. Morgan pretened to be Manic and Garcia was Sonia.

"I got you now Sonic!" Rossi exclaimed as he threw Spencer into the air. When he caught him he blew a raspberry on his belly. Spencer laughed whole heartedily.

"I'll save you Sonic!" Morgan exclaimed taking the still laughing toddler.

"Oh no Robotnik's about to get you! Run Mainc and Sonic! I'll hold him off." Garcia said.

Morgan threw the giggling baby over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and dashed into the kitchen.

"You think you can stop the almighty Robotnik?" Rossi asked.

"Yep. By the power of GreySkull! I have Photoshop!" Garcia eclaimed.

Spencer and Morgan died of laughter. As well as Rossi.

"Wrong cartoon Penelope. You doing Sonic, not He-Man." Hotch said.

Everyone looked at him. "What? I liked cartoons at one point."

They were a tad skecptic but believed him. They continued their game til supper.

After supper they watched Alice in Wonderland and half of Thor. Spencer fell to sleep during it.

Hotch got himself and Reid changed for the night and snuggled into the blankets next to his sleeping charge. Spencer had forgotten all about his bad feeling.

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