Chapter 47: Not letting my brother go

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Morgan woke up with split headache. He felt something under his arms. It was his baby brother sleeping.

'He must've covered me.' He thought.

He wrapped his arms around him and carried him to the bed. He sat and rocked a bit. Morgan saw the bruises on his neck. He growled lowly. Morgan was going to kill this bitch. Nobody harms his little brother and lives. Well, most do. Hotch and the other tend to hold him back. Reid began to move restlessly.

"Shhhh Pretty Boy. It's alright. I got you." Morgan soothed.

Reid settled down and buried his face in his chest. Morgans grip tightened. There was no way he was letting him out of his sight this time. He needed to stay awake anyways. He may or may not have a concussion, but he didn't want to risk it. He needed to stay awake.

After a few minutes Reid woke up. His throat and leg felt like they were on fire. He really wanted Artemis. But at least he had Morgan.

"You okay baby boy?" Morgan asked worriedly.

Reid nodded.

"Hurt to speak?" He asked.

Reid nodded again. It really did hurt to talk. But he had to try. Communication , when your caught can keep you relaxed and calmed.

"Mowgan. Fa ofers awe toming." He rasped.

"I know baby boy, I know." Morgan sighed.

The door opened and the UnSub walked in with a large butchers knife.

"You've been bad. Time to die." She said her voice dangerously low. She raised the knife and got closer.

Hotch and the others screeched to a halt and bolted in the house. Hotch and Rossi went in the back, and Emily and JJ through the front. Hotch saw the the UnSub going in to the basement with the large knife. He followed quietly behind.

"You've been bad. Time to die" She said and she raised the knife getting closer to them.

A shot rang out and she stopped. Blood was pouring out of her stomach. She fell to the ground dead, revealing an angry but worried Hotch. Hotch ran up to them.

"You guys ok?" He asked.

"I may have an concussion, Spencer has a gash on his leg and has bruises on his neck." Morgan told him. He gave Hotch a I-dare-you-to-take-Spencer-from-me glare. Hotch gave him a you-can-have-him-for-now-but-I'm-taking-him-soon glare.

"Let's get you two to the hostpital." Hotch said. With that they left.

Morgan and Spencer rode with Hotch and Rossi to the hospital, Emily rode with the girls. They got to the hospital and the nurse led the two boys down the hall. The others waited patiently in the waiting room.

After what seemed like forever the doctor came out.

"Agants your friends are gonna be fine. Agent Morgan will be staying the night so we can monitor his concussion. Now the little one has a gash on his leg but it's not deep, no stitches required just keep the wound clean and the bandages dry, the bruises on his neck aren't severe but it'll hurt him to speak and eat so soft foods for a few days. Since the little one has a death grip on the big brother he'll be staying the night here as well." The doctor said.

He led them to their room. Morgan was sitting in the rocker with a sleeping Reid. The team went in and talked to Morgan for a bit. Hotch slide Artemis under the sleeping toddlers arms. They smiled when Reid hugged him tightly. They said their good nights and that they'd be back in the morning for them. The two brothers slept peacefully that night.

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