Chapter 40: Down fire bugs

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Garcia looked at the burning building in horror. Her babies were trapped inside! She saw Artmeis on the seat of the SUV and held it tight.

"Oh my babies. Please be ok." She whispered. She then saw Morgan, Rossi, and Emily run out. Garcia ran too them and led them the ambulance.

"W-where's Hotch? And Spencer?" Garcia asked worriedly. She didn't see them come out.

"Still inside." Morgan choked out.

Garcia gasped. Here sweet baby was still inside. She cluched Artemis tighter. She felt Morgans hand on her shoulder. She turned and buried her face in her shoulder. They watched in horror as the building continued to burned. Emily spotted a figure and reconized it.

"Guys look!" She pointed that way.

They looked and saw it was Hotch! He made it out! But where was Spencer? Emily led Hotch to the ambulance.

"Hotch where's Reid?" Emily asked.

Hotch took off the blanket and revealed a wheezing Spencer. A paramedic took Spencer out of Hotchs arms and placed a small oxygen mask on the toddlers face.

"I need his name, age, allergies, any respitory problems." The paramedic said.

"Spencer Hotchner, 2, narcotics, and yes. He was contracted anthrax in that scare a few years ago and has small respitory problems." Hotch panted out. Another paramedic sat him down and gave him some oxygen.

The paramedics took the agents to the hospital for further examintions. Nothing serious. Scratches, small burns. All in all they were fine. They now including Hotch paced the waiting room. The doctor came out.

"Spencer Hotchner?" He called.

"Yes." Hotch said. The doctor smiled at the family.

"Spencer having respitory problems from anthrax, will stay overnight. We want to monitor his breathing. No serious injuries. Just some scratches. Now I know you're anxious and want to squeeze the live out of the boy, but we just got him to sleep and we him want to lie down, so no lifting him." The doctor said.

He led them down the hall to Spencers room. Spencer always looked so small in a hospital bed, but since he was 2 he was in a crib and that made him look even smaller. Garcia hated how small she put Artemis under his arm and watched as he hugged it tight. They smiled at that. They also had to laugh at Rossi who was arguing with the doctors and nurses to let them stay the night with Spencer.

None of them could really sleep that night. They kept a close eye on their charge, watching his chest rise and fall. They were relieved when the doctor took the mask off. All of them really wished they could hold their charge, but they weren't allowed. Morgan and Hotch clenched their fist angerily, Rossi kept a stern eye on the nurses and doctors that came in, Emily and Garcia watched Spencer sleep with worried, sad, and angry eyes. This sonofabitch was going down. Not only could one of them been killed, their youngest was almost killed again!

They woke up the next morning not knowing they dosed off. They glanced at their charge who sitting up hugging Artemis close to him. They realized a nurse was looking over him. When she was done she glared at the family and Spencer reached out his for anyone to take him. Hotch got up and scooped him up hugging him tightly, but not to tight. Hotch and the family except Reid, glared back at the nurse. She huffed but before she stormed out she smiled at the toddler. After the door shut they broke down.

"Oh Spencer. I'm so glad you're ok." Hotch whispered, kissing the top of the toddlers forehead. They all had a chance to hold and hug their baby. The doctor came in and the team looked at him for good news.

"Welp sport. The nurse says you're looking good and breathing better, but I still wanna look you over right quick, may I?" He asked. The toddler nodded sleepily. "Alright dad if you would sit him down on the bed we I can scan over him quick."

Hotch reluctantly sat his charge on the bed. True to his word the doctor did a quick check up.

"Looking good kiddo. You can go home today." He announced happily. After speaking to the family about looking after Spencer and blah blah blah, Hotch took the bag from Garcia and helped his charge change.

They got back to the hotel and the police were there. Hotch sighed. He should've known the would've hunted him down. Hotch opened the door and let everyone inside. Emily took the small blanket of the bed and wrapped Reid in it, and she took him from Hotch, and settled in the rocking chair.

They talked about the case and how they needed to find this guy ASAP. Then something hit Reid. He had an idea.

"What if Wyder and Wesley awe wowting togetfer?" He asked yawning.

"That could be. Good work baby boy. Now sleep." Morgan ordered.

Spencer smiled. Morgan was a good brother. He closed his and dropped off. They had to smile at his cuteness. Garcia got right to work on the siblings. She found out that Wesley had been charged for arson before, and Ryder had been charged for man slaughter. With that info all they needed was their location and they were good. But how would they find them?

"What about Reids maps? Something has to be there." Rossi suggested.

And he was right. They found them! Hotch, Rossi, and Morgan flew down the highway to country side. They found siblings ready to burn their house. They stopped them and brought them in for interrogation. They started fires when they young to gain the attention of their parents, when it failed Ryder killed her teacher by a drive by when she was 15. Wesley started killing at 12. But the team was suprised when they apologized for hurting them and the little one. With that they were carried away.

They stumbled back to Hotchs room were the girls and Reid were all sleeping. Leaving them as they were, they slept too. Tomorrow they were going home and relaxing, and Hotch was going to wrap Spencer in bubble wrap. They all slept peacefully that night.

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