Chapter 90: Seattle Washington

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Reid woke the next morning and his throat felt much better. He climbed out of bed and went to bathroom. Once that task was done, he saw Clooney sitting by staircase waiting for him. Clooney picked him up like a lion picks up their cubs and carried him downstairs. He went into the kitchen to find his master.

Morgan turned around to find Clooney bringing Reid to him. He smiled. The 'Reid Effect' was definiatly gone. He took Spencer from his protecter and settled hiim in his booster seat.

"Alright Pretty Boy. Popsicle or ice cream?" Morgan asked.

"Ice tweam." The baby said sleepily.

Morgan chuckled and scooped out the ice cream into the bowl. Grabbed a spoon and handed it the toddler. The toddler ate without any pain to his throat.

Garcia walked in the door and practically sprinted to the kitchen.

"Good morning my doves!" She greeted. Clooney barked as if to say 'don't forget me!' "Hi little puppy!" She petted Clooney.

She sat down with her two favorite boys. Her and Morgan chatted. Garcia reached for her cell phone and took a picture of Spencer. Morgan looked over to his baby brother and grinned. Spencer was covered in ice cream. His face, his hair, and even his ear. He scooped him up and took him upstairs for a bath.

Making sure the water was the tempurature he placed the toddler in the tub.

"Call me when your ready to get out." Morgan said taking the baby monitor.

"Otay." Spencer said playing with the rubber duck.

Morgan snapped a quick photo and went downstairs. He showed the picture to Garcia and she flipped out.

"Awww! So going in his baby book!" She said.

She pulled out a few albums and started scrapbooking. Morgan saw all the pictures she and the family had been taking. Morgan chuckled at a few of them. Hearing his brother call for him, he went upstairs to help him.

Morgan brought a freshly bathed Reid downstairs. Garcia cleaned up her scrapbooks and took the baby from Morgan. They put their shoes and coats on and headed out.


JJ and Emily were sitting inside waiting for them. Morgan settled Reid in his lap. JJ handed him some crayons and paper.

"Here you go sweetie. You can color." She said.

Spencer accepted the items and got to drawing. The adults watched the toddler draw. He was pretty good. Even that size.

They sat and converesed for awhile. Then the fun was ruined when the cutthroat bith called. They had a case. Sperating to pack the met on the jet.


"Seattle, Washington. Apparently they have a psycho running around. The local police called us in to track and find him. The UnSub is male. Late 30s-early 40s. He is game hunter, but instead of hunting animals he's hunting humans. He shoots his victims with and arrow and takes them to an unknown location and tortures them. After the torture he takes them back to the wood and makes them run. He chases after them and hunts them down over again." JJ briefed.

"This is psycho." Emily said.

"Yep. So who wants to tell Hotch we're away?" JJ asked.

Everyone backed out.

"Sissys." She said. She pulled out her phone and made her way to the back of the jet. "Hey Hotch it's JJ. Yeah we're on a case. He's good. Throat's not sore. But the doctor doesn't want him back on solid foods yet. Yeah. You're sure? Yeah you're right. Ok. Talk to you soon. Bye." JJ hung up.

She looked over at her Spence and Hotch was right. The toddler was getting sleepy. As soon as they landed they would feed him, let him work for a bit, then it off to lala land.

Hotch and Rossi's hotel room.

"Hotchner. Hi JJ. Let me guess you're on a case. Figures. Spencer ok? Not yet huh? I know we shouldn't do this, but he's probably craving real food so if you feed him cut his food into bite size pieces. Yes I'm sure. It'll be good for his stomach to have normal food since it's been a few days. Alright, tell Morgan I'll chack in later. Bye." He hung up.

"Spencer's doing better I take it." Rossi said.

"Yeah, much better. I wish I was there with him." Hotch said.

"Well, let's get down to buisness. The faster we get this done the faster we see our favorite genius." Rossi said.

Hotch nodded in agreement. It may have been only a few days but he had been away from his son for too long.


After getting things settled at the police station, Garcia took a very sleepy Spencer to his and Morgans room.

She took off his shoes and coat and sat him down for a minute. She took off her shoes and coat and got comfortable. She settled Spencer in her lap and rocked him. Spencer was asleep in no time.


While JJ handled the press Morgan and Emily talked to the victims familes. All the victims were hikers and campers, all in their early teens to late 20s. And before Spencer went down for his nap, he tried to find the UnSubs place. He marked a wooded area.

Morgan and Emily after interviewing the familes went to check out the area Spencer had marked. While hiking the trail, they found several arrow pieces some of the tips had flesh on them, and a few bodies.


Later that night, Morgan and Spencer went over the case after the baby's bath. Spencer found another potential area where the UnSub could be or hunts.

Half asleep the toddler began to doze off. He was startled when Morgans phone went off. It was Hotch. They chatted and brought him up to speed with the case. They said their goodnights and settled in for the evening.


"Run little animal run."

The person ran as fast and hard as they could. There was no way out of the woods.

The UnSub took aim and hit his mark. Feeling immediate remorse he buried the body face down.

"Time to hunt again."

He packed up to restock and resupply. His arrows and clothes were caked with blood.

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