Chapter 52: Another whack UnSub

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"Okalahoma City. A serial killer has been running rampant. He's been killing for years and is believed to still be working as a scientist. He's between the ages of 40-50. Police suspect hey may have an underground lab somewhere." Garcia explained.

"An underground lab? Would a lab function underground?" asked Morgan.

"If fa lab had fa technology and cowwect machinewy it could function fow yeaws." The tiny agent said.

"Pretty Boy does your brain ever take a break?" Morgan chuckled.

"No." said the toddler.

They laughed. When they touched down, Morgan took one SUV and settled a sleeping toddler in his carseat and drove to the hotel. It was the boys naptime.

"Alright Pretty Boy. It's just you and me." Morgan settling him and Spencer in the rocker.

Hotch and the others were on their way to station. Rossi saw Hotch was nervous.

"What's up Hotch?" He asked.

"I'm worried about Spencer. Scientists are looking for him and our UnSub is a scientist." Hotch said.

"Hotch. Spencer will be ok. Morgan's with him." Rossi assured him, he saw the skeptical look on his face. "Hotch you can't protect him from everything. But we can guide him. Hotch trust Morgan. He'll keep Short Stuff safe."

Hotch just nodded. He was beyond worried for his charge. But Rossi was right. Morgan would walk on glass for the kid. They got to the station and headed to the back conference room, where the chief was waiting to greet them.

"Hello. I'm Amy Sutter, chief of the Okalahoma PD. Thank you so much for coming." She said.

"Our pleasure. I'm SSA Hotchner. These are SSA Rossi, Jereau, and Prentiss. You'll meet the other two soon." Hotch said.

"So what do you about the UnSub?" Emily asked.

"About as much as you." She said.

"Alright looks like we're all at square one." said Hotch.

Just then the press started coming.

"I'll go attend to them. They shouldn't know anything yet." JJ said heading to the press.

"Well. I'll let you guys get to it. Let me know if there's anything I can do." Amy said.

"Thank you Amy." Emily said.

Amy returned to her office and they got to work.

Meanwhile at the hotel.

"How's it going Sport?" Morgan asked.

As soon as Spencer woke up they got to work. Though Morgan kinda wanted to chill with his baby brother, he knew how the toddler got when it came to work.

"Good. I fint I got a latation on his newest dumpsite." the toddler said.

Morgan looked and called Hotch.

"Alright we'll check it out. Good work." Hotch said. "Spencer thinks he found one of the latest dumpsites. Let's go. JJ you and Emily stay here."

"Got it bossman." Emily said.

Hotch and Rossi reached the site. It was a forest. They looked around and descovered a body. But it wasn't the only one. There were several of them. The kid was right!

That night after all the bodies had been IDed and examined, the wary profilers made it to their rooms. Morgan reluctantly joined Rossi in theirs.

Hotch and Spencer got ready for bed. Hotch told his charge everything. Spencer wasn't suprised they found so many bodies. The UnSub had been killing for awhile. They settled in for the night and slept.

Little did they know their UnSub was watching them. He had a camera placed in a tree in order to catch animals or police that came. He never suspected the BAU. He smiled a very crooked smile. Soon. Soon he's make his move.

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