Chapter 48: Freakin UnSubs

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Morgan was released the next morning and carried a sleeping Reid onto the jet. The family had to get to yet another case. But atleast they could go home first, change, shower, and re-pack. When it was safe to move around the cabin, Morgan laid his brother down on the couch. Reid mumbled something, rolled over, and buried his face in Artemis. The men smiled and the girls let out an aw. JJ cleared her throat and everyone gave her their full attention.

"So Strauss called while we were all in lala land. There's an UnSub in San Andreas. The locals call him 'Earthquake' cause he works and hangs out near the San Andreas fault line. He's mudered tons of familes that live or goes near the fault line. Because his name is Micheal, he call himself 'The Archangel Of Andreas.' This bastard is in his early 50s to late 60s. He still kills near the fault line. He's never left." JJ relayed.

"Fa fault line would be not only a dangerout plate, but it's a good plate to get rid of bodies." Spencer said sleepily.

The family chuckled. They didn't even know he was awake. Hotch lifted him up and got him changed. Morgan gave him a bowl of Coco Puffs. JJ rolled her eyes. They charttered alittle, while their youngest ate.

When they landed Hotch took Reid straight home. They showered and re-packed. Hotch loaded his truck and headed back to the airstrip.

Once back on board they began profiling. They figured he started killing years ago, either due to abuse and neglect or due to a tradgic accident. Since he was older, he was slowing down a bit. He keeps his victims longer and tortures them more harshly.

They landed and headed to the station.

"Hello folks. Welcome to San Andreas. I'm Chief Andrew Nickels." He said shaking everyone but Spencers hand.

"I'm SSA Hotchner, these are SSAs Rossi, Prentiss, Jearau, Morgan, and Dr. Reid." Hotch introduced.

"Dr. Reid huh? Heard about ya. Just a tip for you folks, doctors and scientist are trying to hunt ya down so they can study ya. Ya might wanna have someone turn ya into a ghost or something." With that the Chief left for his office.

The family looked at their baby. They all made a mental note to buzz Garcia about this. For now they had work to do.

Hours later nothing. Spencer however found the abduction and dump sites. The abduction sites were atleast an hour away from the fault line. The dump sites were at the fault line. But it wasn't a good idea to go there. Mother Nature can have a twisted sense of humor. The last thing Hotch needed and/or was for anyone to be buried or fall the fault line.

Later that night Hotch carried a very tired toddler into their room. He got him changed and settled him in for the night. Hotch smiled when he snuggled into Artemis. Before Hotch got back to work or got ready for bed, which ever came first. He went over to his laptop on the table and opened it. He saw Garcia was online and decided to chat with her.

BabyGirl25: Well good evening bossman!

AHotchner: Good evening Garcia. I need a favor.

BabyGirl25: Shoot. What you need?

AHotchner: Rumor has it that scientists and doctors are looking for Reid to study him.


AHotchner: I know. If we don't do something the government will take Reid away. We can't let that happen.

BabyGirl25: Not happening on my watch!

AHotchner: What can you do?

BabyGirl25: Well first Reid has to 'drop off the face of the Earth.'

AHotchner: How?

BabyGirl25: By making him a ghost. Like he never exsisted. But he'll have to change his name. His appearence is fine but the name has to go.

AHotchner: Ok. What if I adopted him? Can he still be Spencer?

BabyGirl25: Of course! His last name will be yours of course. He won't be Spencer Reid, but Spencer Hotchner. That is if you want to adopt him.

AHotchner: Of course I want to adopt him. I'm serious.

BabyGirl25: OMG! I'M SO HAPPY BOSSMAN! I'll send legal adoption files. Just fill them out and e-mail them back to me and I'll take care of the rest.

AHotchner: Thanks Garcia.

BabyGirl25: Much welcome. Now the files have been placed on your desktop, just open it and fill out the necessary info, then tell me and I'll handle the rest. But do it tomorrow.

AHotchner: Why?

BabyGirl25: Because I'm going to be pulling off an all nighter making our boy genius a phantom. Well good night bossman.

AHotchner: Thank you Garcia. Good night.

The two logged out and Hotch opened the file Garcia placed on his desktop and began filling out the information. He glanced at his charge and smiled. Once he was finished, he saved everything and put it on a flash drive just in case. He closed the file and got ready for bed. He wrapped his arms around his charge and kissed the top of his head. Spencer mumbled something and snuggled into Hotch. The two slept peacefully all night.

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