Chapter 86: Got the UnSub

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Hotch tried to soothe his crying son but nothing was working. Spencer was just so uncomfortable. He barely slept last night. Poor baby. Hotch knew he had to leave soon but he really didn't want to.

"Shhh. Buddy it's okay. Daddy's got you." Hotch soothed. 'We really need to wrap this case up.'

A knock on the door brought him out of his thoughts. He looked through the peephole and saw it was the family. He opened the door and let them inside. They looked at the crying boy and frowned. They hated seeing him this way.

"Has he slept?" Rossi asked.

"Barely. I can't get him to eat a popsicle." Hotch said sadly.

"My poor baby!" Garcia exclaimed.

Glancing at the clock, Hotch sighed. It was time for them to leave.

"Morgan, and Garcia stay with Spencer. I'd stay but I'm needed and he could use his big brother and his aunt. Rossi, Emily, and JJ you're with me." Hotch said handing Spencer to Morgan. He put his coat on and carded a hand through the toddlers hair. "Bye buddy. I'll see you soon." He kissed his forehead and gave Morgan the you-better-protect-him glare. Morgan gave Hotch the chill-out-you-know-I-got-this look.

With another heavy sigh and long glance at his son, Hotch reluctantly left. Morgan patted the boys back and kissed the top of his head.

"I got you baby boy. Can you try to eat a popsicle for me?" He asked.

Reid nodded. Garcia took a popsicle and put it in a bowl. After that she got to work. Spencer managed to eat a the entire thing but still was not comfortable. Morgan picked him and gave him a bath. He put some clean pjs on him and settled in the rocker with him.

"Bedtime. You need to sleep." Morgan said.

Reid nodded. He was tired. But he didn't think he could sleep. He closed his eyes and tried but couldn't sleep.

Garcia found where the UnSub was located and called Hotch.

"Ok bossman, our sicko lives at 1988 Westvilla Ave. Yes. We're trying but the poor baby just can't sleep. You're sure? Ok if you think that may help. Yes we got him to eat a popsicle. Yes. Go catch this guy so you come be with your son. Bye bye." She said.


"You're sure? Good we're going now. Is Spencer asleep? Give him some Childrens PM. It'll help him sleep. Yes. Did he eat? Good. We're going now. Thanks Garcia. Bye." Hotch said. "Garcia found the UnSub. Rossi and Emily let's go."

They got in the SUV and raced down the highway. They got to the house and slowly got in. They could hear muffled screaming from the basement. They slowly made their way down and tried to subdue the UnSub but it was one of those times where the UnSub meets his untimely end.

They freed Lilliah and took her to the station.


Finally giving into the medicine Reid fell asleep. Morgan didn't lay him though. He just kept him in his arms.

Garcia kissed the boys forehead and carded a hand through his hair.

"Poor baby. I hope they got him. Spencer needs to see a doctor and soon." She said.

"I know baby girl. I hate seeing him like this." Morgan said.


"So he kidnapped when you were 7 after your mother died and you were raped repeatadly and he takes you again and does it again. Why?" Rossi asked.

She lifted her shirt and showed them the mark on her side.

"Believe it or not he was a close friend of my dad and my moms ex-boyfrined. When he found she died he went nuts. he took me and branded me saying 'your mine your mine.' He always thought my mom belonged to him, hence why he took me. Plus I look like my mom so yeah." Lilliah said.

"Thank you." Hotch said.

Lilliah nodded. She walked out of the interrogation room and found her dad and older sister waiting for her. She ran to them and hug them. They took her straight home.

After cleaning up the family bolted to hotel.


Spencer still was asleep when they got there. Hotch thought that was a good thing. He sent the others to bed and got ready himself. After that he pulled out his phone and dialed a number.

"Hello Dr. Hutchinson it's Aaron Hotchner. Yes it has. Good. My son Spencer, I need you to check out his tonsils. Yes. We'll be heading home first thing tomorrow. Yes. That'll be great, thank you. Bye." He hung and placed his phone back on the side table.

He settled next to his charge and wrapped his arm protectively around him.

Hotch's doctors office.

"Hello? Ahh Aaron. Been awhile. How have you been? Good. Tonsils huh? I assume you're on a case when do you get home? So Spencer is it? Alright, tomorrow sound good? Your welcome. Bye bye." He said.

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