Chapter 108: Final Phase

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Spencer woke up in Morgans arms. He noticed that Garcia was gone.

"Garcia wanted me to be with you, so she gave herself up like Emily." Morgan said.

"S she didn't have too." Spencer said sadly.

"I know. But she did. Don't be sad Baby Boy. We'll see her again." Morgan assured.

Spencer only nodded. Everyone gave themselves up for him. He was grateful, unecessary but none the less he was grateful. He has such a good family.

While Spencer was lost in his own mind, Morgan was wondering where Strauss was. She usually showed up when they first got up. Next thing he knew Spencer was no longer in his arms!


The team had gotten to the warehouse and they wasted no time busting in. The got but there was no sign of Strauss anywhere.

Hotch thought she was down in the arena. He led the way and there they were. Morgan was defenseless and Spencer was once again in the hands of that bitch. They slowly made their way down.

Strauss noticed she positioned Reid like a human shield. Lowering their weapons Strauss placed Reid back on her hip. She made her way to a platform and she settled Spencer in a seat.

"It's time. For the final phase! The phase that'll tear you all apart!" She laughed. "This game target practice. Those mechanical agents will take shots at the targets around us. If the hit one us the game is over. Let the game begin!"

Shots rang out. Morgan got to the team.

"We need a plan and fast!" He said.

"I know. But what do we do?" Hotch asked.

"We make one of the bots hit Strauss." Emily said.

"How?" JJ asked.

"Simple. Get both bots positioned so the fire at Strauss. But we have to get the angles just right." Rossi said.

They nodded. Before they did anything, a shot rang and a cry of pain was heard. Their youngest was hit! The team was seeing red!

Wasting no time they put their plan in action. They were suprised it worked! Strauss was nailed by multiple shots. She was unreconizable at this point.

They bolted down their baby! They got out of his seat and checked him over. They saw his arm was grazed. They saw he was asleep. Morgan figured the sedative he was given kicked back in.

They hurriedly made their way out of the warehouse and to the SUV. They headed straight for the hospital.


The doctors had taken Spencer back to check him out. Hotch and JJ went back with him. The team sat restlessly in the waiting room. Morgan had gone home to shower and change. He came back with Garcia.

"My baby. How's my baby?" She asked frantically.

"He's gonna be fine kitten." Rossi assured.

"He better be! Or Strauss will feel my wrath!" She quietly shouted.

"Garcia. Strauss is dead." Emily said.

"Good. She deserves to rot in Hell." Garcia cursed with pure venom in her voice.

The others cringed. They learned a long time ago not to piss Garcia off. JJ came out.

"He's gonna fine but their gonna keep him overnight for observation." JJ said. "Follow me if you want to see him."

They followed down the long hallway. When they got to their babys room they saw he was still asleep in Hotchs arms. Hotch was rocking him slowly.

Garcia made her way to her snuggle bunny and gently placed Artemis under his good arm. They smiled when Spencer snuggled into Artemis and further into Hotch.

"What now?" Emily asked.

"Well. Our director passed. We have some down time. And I for one am taking this guy on a long overdue vacation." Hotch said.

The room fill with quiet 'I think I'll join yous'. Hotch chuckled. They sat there and planned a family vacation. After a few the others left the father and son.

Hotch didn't like the idea of the crib so he laid Spencer down in the cot with him. Both sleeping peacefully.

The next day.

The next day they went to work for a moment to fill some things out and left for home. They all went home to pack for their family vacation.

Once they were all packed the piled into two SUVs. Rossi, Garcia, and Emily in one and Hotch, Morgan, Spencer, and JJ in the other. Once they packed the SUVs and got Spencer settled into his carseat they hit the road. They decided to drive instead of flying. They all needed this vacation. Cell phones off, laptops off, no paperwork, no UnSubs. Just them.

And this was going to be one vacation they'll never forget.

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