Chapter 53: Ugh these UnSubs

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The UnSub whistled as he cleaned his lab. He sterilized the cages, tables and floors. Happy with his work, he went to go collect his next 'experiment'. Locking his lab and house he headed off for the station. There was crime he had to 'report'.

At the station.

Spencer was busy at work on his map. The last few dumpsites had either human bodies or animals. This UnSub really like experimenting. He circled another possible loctation. He fisted his eyes. He'd been working non-stop for four hours. But he had to keep going, this UnSub needed to be behind bars or a straight jacket in a padded room. He shook his head and turned back to his map.

Hotch looked at his charge. He'd been working non-stop since they got there this morning. He caught the toddler fisting his eyes. Hotch figured his charge had to be getting tired by now. He glanced at his watch and decided the boy needed to eat lunch and get to bed. About to get up one of the officers stepped in.

"Sir. A man here says he wishes to report a crime related to your case." He informed the profiler.

"Alright. Send him to interrigation room 5. I'll be there in a minute." Hotch said.

"Yes sir." He said leading the UnSub into interrigation.

"Spencer stay right here. I'll be right back." Hotch said sternly.

"Yes siw." Spencer said not looking up from his map.

Hotch raised his eyebrows and chuckled. He closed the door behind him and against his better judgement he locked the door.

'Sorry Spencer. But just in case. It's for your own good.' Hotch thought. He headed down the hallway to the interrigation room. He walked in closed the door, and sat down.

"So. What tell me about me this 'crime'." Hotch said.

"There was a break in. At my home lab." He said. Hotch looked at him like he sold drugs. "I don't sell drugs sir. My lab is strictly for work."

"Alright. Continue. Was anything taken?" He asked.

"No. The place was ransacked though. Wait. A few of my research papers were taken." He said.

Hotch nodded. He got to go tell the officer waiting outside to check on Spencer but a sickly scent filled his nose and collasped. The UnSub knelt down and grabbed his keys.

He smiled. "Good night, little profiler."

He opened the door and handed the officer the keys.

"Go. Get the SUV and pull it around back I'll get the kid." He said.

"Yes sir." The officer said. He left to do as he was told.

The UnSub went to get Spencer. He opened the door to the room he was in and snuck up and the toddler. Scared Spencer tired to get out but the UnSub locked the door! What was with everyone and locking doors! The UnSub grabbed the toddler and pressed a cloth on his nose and mouth. The toddlers struggles subsided and he was knoucked out.

The UnSub went out the back were his accomplice was waiting. He took the duct tape, bound and gagged the toddler in case he woke up and placed him in the cage he brought. With task one done, they headed back to the lab.

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