Chapter 41: A good day

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The team had arrived home late last night and Hotch took Spencer straight home. Today Hotch thought the toddler could use a little sun. So he got out jacks old jogging stroller. Hotch got Reid to eat and checked his breathing. The doctors told them for a few days they needed to keep an eye on his breathing. Relaxing to hear a steady heartbeat, Hotch helped the toddler dress and put him the stroller.

"Hotch what's fis?" He asked taking Artemis from Hotch.

"It's a jogging stroller. When Jack got restless, or I felt like jogging I would put Jack in here and off we went." He told the toddler strapping him in.

"Oh. Awe we going to fa pawt?" He asked.

"Yep. That's where I normally jog to. Maybe we'll see Morgan there. Sometimes I see him jogging there with Clooney." Hotch said.

The two shared a smile and headed out. Hotch jogged to the park. He stopped half way down the trail, to rest and catch his breath. He let Spencer out so he could walk around and explore. Hotch watched the toddler as he around and climbed on the rocks. He looked the other when he heard a dog barking. It was Clooney! Spencer looked that way and reconized Clooney. He climbed off his rock and gave the excited dog a hug. Clooney licked the toddlers face happily.

"Top it Tooney! You goofy dog!" The toddler said playfully. "Hi Mowgan!" Reid ran to his big brother and gave him a hug. Morgan lifted him up and gave him a bear hug.

"Hey baby boy! How are you?" Morgan asked sitting next to Hotch.

"Good. Hotch said fat my bweafing is good." He said.

"That's good. How you doing Hotch?" He asked.

"Good. Out stretching my legs. Thought our boy genius could use some sun." He joked lightly.

They laughed. Except Spencer he was too busy with Clooney to pay attention. While they talked Spencer played with Clooney. Hotch glanced at his phone. It was way past his charges naptime. They said their byes and Hotch settled the sleepy boy in the stroller and headed home.

Reid was out when they got there. Hotch chuckled. He lifted Reid out of the stroller and put him to bed. While he was sleeping Hotch showered and did a little paperwork. After a few hours a groggy toddler made his way into Hotchs office. His hair sticking, thumb firmly in his mouth, clinging to Artemis. Hotch chuckled. He settled Reid in his lap and got back to work.

Later the two fell asleep in the rocking chair watching Ghost Adventures. Both had a smile on their face. It was a good day.

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