Chapter 59: Weather the storm

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Hotch cursed loudly when the power went out. He searched for his phone frantically. He needed to contact Morgan to see if he and Spencer were ok. When he found his phone he quickly dialed the number and Morgan answered after the first ring.

"Morgan. Are you guys ok? Is the power out at the hotel? Put Spencer on. Hey buddy. I'm guessing by the sound of your voice you didn't nap too long. It's ok we're on our back, so hang tight for me okay? Let me talk to Morgan. Hey there's a tornado warning, so be careful and be safe. We'll be there as soon as we can." He said ending the call to find his team.

He gathered them up and quickly left. They sped down the highway.

"Is Morgan and Spencer ok?" asked Rossi.

"Their fine." Hotch said picking the pace up. He wanted to beat the storm to the hotel.

At the hotel.

Morgan rocked a tired, scared, and anxious Spencer.

"It's ok Baby Boy. I got you. It's alright. I'm right here." He soothed.

Spencer clung onto Artemis and Morgan. Although Morgan showed him there was nothing to be afraid of, he still was scared and anxious. Though there was flashlight on, the dark still made him tremble and the rest of the team was still out there. Worse case scenarios played through the toddlers mind. The sound of Morgans phone brought the toddler out of his thoughts.

"Hotch. We're fine. Yeah it's out. Alright." He said handing the toddler the phone.

"Hi Hotch. No siw. Yes siw. Otay." Spencer said sleepily. He handed the phone back to Morgan. He fisted he eyes and buried his face in Morgans chest.

"Alright. We will. We aren't going anywhere. Got ya. Bye." Morgan said closing his phone. He kissed the top of Spencers head and rubbed his back.

"Oh Pretty Boy. You need to go back to sleep." Morgan said.

"No." Spencer protested.

"Come on. I know you're anxious. I am too. But you need to sleep. You only slept 10 minutes. Please try. For me." He said.

"Otay." Spencer yawned.

Hotch and the others bolted into the hotel. They beat the storm atleast. The went into Hotchs room and saw Morgan passed out with Spencer in the rocker.

"Poor baby. Probably couldn't sleep because of the lighting and thunder." JJ whispered.

"Kid was probably worried about us too. That and it's dark. There is a flashlight but the kids probably scared out of his wits." Rossi said.

"Now that were back he'll relax alittle more." Emily said carding a hand through the toddlers long locks.

Lighting flashed and the wind picked up. Tornado sirens blared. The sound startled the two brothers awake. The hotel staff went around telling there boarders to get to the basement.

The family settled in a corner huddled together intent on protecting their youngest from the storm.

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