Chapter 37: Going from cold to hot

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When Spencer woke up the next morning, he realized he was on the jet on their way home. He fisted his eyes sleepily.

'At least my throat doesn't really hurt. I still don't feel like I can talk though.' He thought.

"It's alittle too early to be thinkin, don'tcha think Pretty Boy?" Morgan teased.

"Don't tease him. He just got up." JJ said playfully smacking his arm. "How you feeling sweetie?"

Reid signed to them.

" He says better, but doesn't think he can talk yet." Emily translated. "Think you can sit at work?" Reid signed his response.

"He says yes." She told them.

"Good thing you know sign language, because there's no way I could translate that." Morgan said.

"You're just not smart enough to learn it." Rossi teased.

Spencer chuckled. Hotch smiled too and readjusted his hold. He got to change his charge from his winter clothes back to summer clothes. While it was 20 degrees in Alaska, it was 87 degrees back in Virgina. Hotch didn't want his charge to fry.

"Now Spencer you sure you can work?" Hotch asked.

Spencer nodded.

"Alright. If you don't feel good at all. Please let one of us know." He said sternly.

Spencer nodded again. 'I feel fine, I just can't talk.' he thought.

The rest of the way home He, Morgan, and Emily played a few hands of poker. You could tell Spencer was winning by the huge pile of M&Ms in front of him.

JJ looked over and saw him pop a few in his mouth. Remembering that he didn't have breakfast, she decided to chew Hotch out.

"You know it's not healthy for him to have all that sugar in the morning." She told the older man.

"JJ. I agree with you. But with his throat he probably won't eat anything. M&Ms you can swallow whole or crush with your tongue." He told her. She rolled her eyes. "I know you're worried, so am I. But arguing with a sick Reid is a bad idea. We all know how hard headed he could be."

"Yeah. I know. I tried talking to Will. He's still angry and Henry loves being with his mom and dad. And Reid is the closest person I have to a son right now. I'm not worring too much am I?" she asked.

"JJ, I feel the way you do. Reid is my second son. With Jack gone, he fills the void left behind. And I think we all being a tad paranoid. Adult Reid brings out our parental instincts, with him as a 2 year old there in overdrive." He said.

"No argument there. Thanks Hotch." She said.

When they got back Hotch took Reid to Garcia, and she mother henned him to death. She got him talking again. It hurt alittle but it was to expected.

After his nap, Reid felt light headed. So he went to Hotch.

"Hey buddy. What's the matter?" Hotch asked.

"I feel light headed." He rasped.

With that got up and took him home. When they got there Hotch laid him down and got the thermometer. 98.6. No fever. What was causing him to be light headed? It hit him. Tempurature change. Going back and forth between hot and cold was not doing his charge any good. Calling it a day they got comfortable.

Morgan and the others checked in on them multiple times that day. Hotch put Spencer in bed with him just in case. He kissed the now sleeping toddler on the top of his head and settled in. He prepared himself for a restless night.

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