Chapter 104: Phase Two Part Two

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Spencers mind was fuzzy. He couldn't focus on anything. Hell, he didn't even know he fell asleep. His body was heavy. He figured that Strauss gave him some kind of sedative. He heard voices but they were far away. He wanted to sleep. He fell to sleep.

"Spencer. SPENCER! Wake up! Come on!" Hotch shouted trying to get the toddler to wake up. No luck. Spencer was out cold.

"Son of a bitch." Morgan cursed.

"Strauss! What did you give him!" Emily demanded.

Strauss's voice came on the speakers.

"Just a mild sedative. Relax. He'll be fine." She said. Unknown to them she rolled her eyes.

"That had better it! Or I swear I'll end you!" Morgan growled.

Hotch tightened his grip on his charge.

"Ohhhh. Big bad Morgan gonna take me out. I'd like to you try. That is if you survive." Strauss taunted.

"Better believe it bitch." Morgan said.

"Hehe. Anywho. As you can see your standing on a platform. We're gonna play Twister! To play you must spell out a word. The words will be in Latin. So choose one player that'll answer. But you all must spell the word."

"I know Latin. I'll do it." Emily said.

They nodded. Hotch saw Strauss made a place for Spencer to lay on. Hotch gently laid him down and palmed his cheek. He went back to the platform, his gaze never leaving the toddler.

"Ready? The word is murder." Strauss said.

"Homicidium." Emily answered.

Emily spelled the word aloud as they moved around the platform to spell the word.

"The next word is tricked"


The family spelled out the word correctly.

"Next word is blood."


The BAU looked like some knid of jacked up pretzel trying to spell that word.

"Final word. Sanity."

"Like you had any. Sanitatem."

They successfully spelled the word. Strauss wasn't happy.

"You may have survived this round but the next you'll meet your demise. This I swear." She said angerily.

Hotch shook his head and raced over to his son holding tight. He wished he was awake but it was probably better right now if he slept. They smelled something sweet and conked out.

They woke up mad. How many times was Strauss planning on doing that. Hotch glanced at his charge and saw he was waking up.

"Spencer. Time to wake up buddy. Come on you can do it. Open your eyes for me." He encouraged.

Spencer opened his eyes half way and closed them again.

"You to wake all the way up Spencer come on." Hotch said.

Spencer opened his all the way and tried to rub the sleep out of them.

"Daddy?" He asked sleepily.

"Yeah buddy I'm here." Hotch said relieved his charge was okay.

Whewe awe we now?" He asked.

"We don't know. We just woke up ourselves." Emily said.

"You okay Baby Boy?" Morgan asked.

Spencer nodded. He felt fine, still sleepy but fine.

"Well look whose up. Good timing we're just about to start the next game. This time we're gonna play a memory game. Choose one player please." Stauss said.

"Spencer think you can do it kiddo?" Rossi asked.

"I tan do it." He said.

Spencer was still half asleep but he had to do this.

"Alrighty. Let's do this sleepy head." Strauss said. "Lights will flash in a pattern. Repeat the pattern and match the lights."

A blue light lit up. Spencer pressed the blue button. Blue light lit up and the red light. Spencer repeated the pattern.

After a few minutes of repeating the pattern Spencer was getting dizzy. The sedative Strauss had given him was kicking back in. The lights lit up and Spencer couldn't focus. He did his best to repeat the pattern, but he was too dizzy and missed a light. A buzzer sounded.

"Sorry BAU. But you lose this round." Strauss said.

"I'm sowwy evewyone. I'm weally didty (dizzy)." Spencer apologized.

"It's okay my dove. You did your best and that's good enough." Garcia said.

Spencer smiled at her. He looked at his other family members and they nodded in agreement.

All of a sudden the floor beneath them disappeared! The fell for what seemed like ages and then once again their world went black.

"Sweet dreams BAU. Sleep while you can, the next games are about to begin." Strauss said. Her alarm went off. "Whoop, gotta run. Don't want to be late for work. Word is Agent Hotchners team went missing."

She left laughing. She locked down everything. There was no way the BAU family was getting out.

The team was unconsious. Emily and Garcia were side by side, as well as Morgan and Rossi, Hotch had Spencer tightly wrapped in his arms.

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