Chapter 107: Phase ThreeFinal

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Spencer woke up in Morgans arms. He didn't remember falling asleep or Morgan holding him. He looked up and saw Morgan and Garcia were awake already.

"Hey Pretty Boy. You okay?" Morgan asked.

"I'm otay." The toddler said.

"You sure my snuggle bunny?" Garcia asked.

Spencer nodded. He felt fine, exhausted but fine. Strauss came in.

"Awww look how cute. You are cute when you first wake up." Strauss said.

"What do you want?" Garcia growled.

"To announce the final elimination game. Duh. The final will be the last elimination round then the winner from this round will face me in the final game. And this will be half your prize." She said taking Reid from Morgan.

Reid tried to get out of her grip, but his struggles died when he felt a prick to the back of his neck. He passed out.

"What did you do?" Morgan shouted.

"Gave him another sedative. Don't worry he'll be fine." She said laying the toddler in cage. She placed the cage on a pedistal. "You have a few minutes to talk."

Morgan tore his worry-angry gaze away from the toddler and glanced at Garcia who was looking at him longingly. He wrapped her in a hug.

"I know mama. I know." He said.

"Whatever game she has planned, beat me." She said.

Morgan pulled back and looked at her. She looked at him strenly.

"Don't give me that look. You heard me. I know he needs us all. But your his big brother. Right now he needs you more." She reasoned.

"Yes ma'am." Morgan whispered.

"Don't worry. I'll be fine. I have a plan anyways." She said.

She whispered it to Morgan and he nodded.

"You're sure it'll work?" He asked.

"Positive." She said.

"Game time." Strauss called.

They sighed. They went over to her.

"Tonights game. Arm wrestling." She said. "You may begin."

Morgan and Garcia did as they were told. Morgan was suprised how strong Garcia was. But he had to beat her and he did. He whispered 'I'm sorry' to her as Strauss took her away. Little did Strauss know Garcia had a plan.

Morgan raced over to the cage and tried to get Spencer out. He couldn't. He couldn't even wake the baby. He sighed. He stuck his hand through the cage and palmed the babys cheek. He smiled a little when Spencer leaned into his touch.


Everyone had just gotten back after going home, sleeping, showering, and eating. They needed a small break but now it was time to get to work.

"Room for one more?" A voice asked.

They turned and saw Garcia safe and sound! All but Kevin gave her a hug. She wasn't suprised. She told them everything.

They were relieved that Spencer wasn't by himself. She also told them that when Strauss led her to the Jeep and placed her in the trunk with the blindfold, the blindfold came off and she saw where they were.

She quickly got to a computer and typed in their location. They were in an insanely large warehouse and factory about a few hours away. When Garcia gave them the address they bolted off!

"Bring my babies home." She said.

"We will. Go home get some rest, shower, eat." JJ said.

Garcia nodded. There nothing further for her to do. So she went home. She didn't even look at Kevin as she went. She didn't want to speak to him anyway.

The Warehouse/Factory.

Morgan convinced Strauss to let him sleep with Spencer in his arms instead of the cage. He laid down with his little brother. He kept his grip nice and tight.

Strauss watched the two brothers. She snarled. She couldn't the love the BAU family shared. She couldn't stand the BAU family at all. She was always trying to find ways to break them up.

She then began to chuckle then it turned into a full blown laugh attack. After laughing like a madman she turned and walked away. She would have her again soon.

After assuring himself that his charge was fine and actually in his arms he fell to sleep. Before completely knocking out he silently prayed that his team was their way. Little did he know thanks to Garcia they were on there way. Morgan and Spencer would just have to hold on a little longer.

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