Chapter 26: Disney World

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Reid woke up in Hotchs arms. Looking around he realized he was on the jet.

"Good morning Spencer." Hotch greeted.

"Mowning." Reid said sleepily. "Where awe we going?"

"It's a suprise my baby genius. I promise you'll love it." Garcia said.

Getting their little charge dressed and fed, he sat next to Emily at the table. Emily and Spencer speed stacked to see who could stack the fastest. It was a tie.

When they landed they went to their hotel first to drop off their stuff. Judging by their hotel Reid could sorta guess where they were. Going down the highway he saw colorful signs. His guess was right.

They were at Disney!

When they parked Garcia happily got Reid out of his car seat and set him on her hip. They got their tickets and went in but before they went any further Hotch took Reid and got him a wrist band with all their numbers on it. So if he got lost the park people could call them.

"Ok squrit. What should we ride first?" Asked Morgan. Reid looked around and spotted the tea cups. He pointed towards them.

"Fat one." He said.

"The tea cups it is." Morgan said leading the group that way.

The girls sat in one, the boys in another. Reid laughed as they spun around and around. When the ride was over their baby was giggling, that made them happy.

"So baby cakes, which ride is next?" Garcia asked the boy holding out a map.

Reid studied the map and the Buzz Lightyear shooting game. They headed that way and the line was long. So instead of waiting in the heat they went into the Laugh Floor.

They sat down and enjoyed the air conditioning and the show. They came out laughing. The line was a tad smaller so they got in. Hotch carried out the giggling toddler.

"I swear you cheated Pretty Boy." Morgan chuckled.

"Did not! Youw aim jut sucks." Reid said with a Chesire cat like grin.

The family was happy to see their youngest having so much fun. Some rides Reid couldn't ride because he too small. But they still had fun. Reid loved laughing at Morgans face on some of the rides. And of course Garcia took loads of pictures.

That night Hotch put a happy toddler to bed. Reid couldn't wait to check out the other parks.

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