Chapter 92: He's back!

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Elsewhere in Quantico.

"This place is a mess. Better clean it and get ready for my boy to come home."

Gideon dusted, swept, polished, and sanatized his cabin.

He got the nursery all clean. Toys bleached, sheets from the crib and changing table washed and pressed.

Smiling he gathered his 'tools' and headed to the BAU.


The team had just landed and gotten the office. None of them were looking forward to the mountains of paperwork that were waiting for them. They seperated and got sraight to work.

Garcia took a sleepy three year old to her office. It was nappytime for the little profiler. She gently laid him down on the futon she brought for him. Reid fisted his eyes and tightly held Artemis. He rolled over and fell asleep.

Garcia smiled at the toddler. He was just too cute. She turned to her computers and got to work.

Hotch was not happy. He just recevied a voicemail from Quantico PD that Gideon had escaped while they were away. He gathered the family in the conference room. Looking up the team wearily made their in the room, he also found he woke his son from his nap. He took the half asleep toddler from Garcia and sat down.

"Gideon has escaped." Hotch simply said.

Hotch felt his charge tense. He rubbed his back comfortingly.

"Son of a bitch." Morgan growled.

"How?" Emily asked.

"They don't know. There was a riot and they think he escaped in the comotion. When they did roll call he wasn't there." Hotch explained.

They all were shocked. They looked at their youngest and saw anger and fear. But mostly anger. They had to protect him. There was no way they were gonna let Gideon take him away again. The power went out. Hotch tightly cluched Spencer.

"Daddy!" Reid exclaimed.

"It's ok, daddy's here. Daddy's got you." Hotch tried to soothe.

Spencer was still afraid of the dark. Hotch rocked the scared toddler hoping to calm him.

They heard people running and screaming and shots being fired. Then all was silent. They reached for their guns. A strange smell filled the air and they all collasped.

"Time to come home son." Gideon said taking Reid from Hotchs arms. "Might as well as bring all of you."

Gideon loaded his SUV with the unconsious family.

Gideons cabin.

Gideon took the family downstairs and got rid of their clothes. He replaced them with scrubs taken from the prison imfirmary. He chained their ankles to the floor and took his son upstairs. He bathed and dressed him in regular pjs from when Stephen was little. He gently laid him don in the crib and urned on the baby monitor.

Gideon went back downstairs and started dinner. He'd figured his son would hungry when he woke up.

The basement.

The team began to stir. Hotch blinked the foggyness out of his eyes and found that Spencer was no longer in his arms. He franctically searched the basement for him and found no trace of his son. He also notcied he was no longer wearing his clothes, but thin scrubs.

"Where are we?" Morgan asked looking around.

"In a basement of some kind." Hotch said.

"Where's Spence?" JJ asked worry filling her eyes and voice.

She latched onto Garcia and the two had tears in their eyes. They hoped he was ok.

"Not here." Hotch said.

They heard movement from upstairs, and the basement door opened. Gideon appeared and was carrying a tray of food.

"Dinner time." He simply said placing the tray on the floor. "It's not poisoned don't worry. If I wanted to kill you I would've done it back at the BAU."

"Then why didn't you?" Rossi asked.

"Leverage. Spencer will misbehave and you're the ticket that'll make him obey." He explained.

"You son of a bitch. You harm him and I promise you I'll paint the walls a pretty red color." Morgan theartened.

"So scared. Like I'd hurt my son." Gideon rolled his eyes.

"He's not your son. He's my son now." Hotch growled.

Gideon ignored him and left them.


Spencer woke with a start. He looked around and saw he back at Gideons cabin. Gideon walked in and saw he was awake.

"Well hello there sleepy head." Gideon greeted. "Dinner's ready."

He lifted Spencer out of the crib and took him in the kitchen and settled him in the booster seat.

"Not hungwy." He said.

"Too bad you're eating." Gideon said sternly.

"Whewe's my famaly?" Spencer asked.

"Here. But you can't see them. Now eat." Gideon said.

"No! I want to tee fem!" Spencer yelled.

"Spencer! That is enough!" Gideon yelled.

Reid winced. He picked up his fork and dug into his pulled pork.

"Good boy. Eat it all and I'll let you see them." Gideon said.

Spencer ate obediantly. He wanted to his family. When he was done and the kitchen was clean Gideon went to the basement to collect the tray and let Reid see his family.

Once they were down there Reid saw his family chained to floor.

"Daddy!" He called.

"Spencer." Hotch said.

A loud smack filled the sir then a cry of pain.

"Hotch is not you're father. I am. Bedtime." Gideon growled. He picked up the tray and took Spencer back upstairs.

Morgan punched the wall. Nobody hurt his baby brother and got away with it.

"I'm going to kill him." Morgan growled lowly.

"I call the first shot." Hotch said. His voice was dangerously low.

Gideon hit his son. He was going to pay. Deciding there was nothing they could do they decided to sleep. They needed their energy.


Gideon gently laid Spencer down. He turned off the light and closed the door on his way out.

Spencer sniffled. He wanted his daddy, his big brother, his sister, his mommy, his aunt. He wanted his family! He could climb out of the crib, but Gideon had the baby monitor and would hear him. Deciding escape was not possible for now, he laid down and slept. He wished he had Artemis. But he left him back in Garcias office.

Gideons room.

Gideon paced the room. What was wrong with his son? Why did he think Hotch was his father? Was he brainwashed?

"Now now old boy. Spencer is just confused. He'll come around." Gideon said to himself.

He changed into his night clothes and settled for the night.

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