Chapter 31: Laughters the best medicine

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The funeral was small and somber. It was raining as well.

"Mom's twying. Not betause she's sad, but betause she happy. I till have a famaly fat loves me. She's also pwoud of me." Reid said softly and smiling. His family was shocked and confused. "She doesn't want me to mouwn."

The family smiled. They were proud of their youngest. Even though he just lost a loved one, he was smiling. It wasn't forced or faked. He was really smiling. It's tough to lose a loved one and everyone mourns, but Reid didn't want to. He was done crying, and mourning. His family was there to help him through it. He was done being sad. Life sucked. But Morgan taught him if you just smiled things got better.

Later that night Reid held onto Artemis. He was smiling like earlier. He was remembering when his mother would read to him. Hotch came back in and sat to next him. The whole family piled in after Hotch.

"What awe you guys doing hewe?" Reid asked.

"We came to read you a bed time story kiddo." Emily said.

"Otay." He said. Reid liked stories even better when they were read to him.

He picked 'Romeo and Juliet.'

Reid laughed at the voices Morgan was doing. Laughter was always the best medicine. Since Reids mother died, they were entitled to more vacation time. They decided on Myrtle Beach since it was still summer. Reid always wanted to go there so he agreed on it. Tomorrow it was off to the beach!

But for now, it was a certain tiny agent's bedtime. After the story, they looked at their peacefully sleeping charge and smiled. Bidding each other good night, they went back to their rooms. Hotch settled in next to Reid. Reid snuggled into Hotch sighing in content.

Reid and the family slept peacefully that night.

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