Chapter 133: Gatlinburg Tennessee

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"Alright, what do we have?" Hotch asked.

"A sociopathic killer who suffers from some form of autism. He's killed before when he was ten, thirteen, sixteen, and recently. They believe the UnSub is now 40-45 years of age and was released from the psych ward of the local prison." JJ relayed.

"So after sixteen, he stops killing and is finally caught and released and now is killing again. Why?" Morgan asked.

"Pwehaps he didn't *yawns* finit his end game." Spencer yawned.

"Well, good morning, Handsome," Emily greeted.

"Hi." He said, fisting his eyes.

Hotch smiled, taking him to the back of the jet and helping him change. Once finished, they re-joined the others.

"Alright, Handsome. Your theory is good. The UnSub could already have the final victims picked out, and now deciding how it's gonna go down." Emily said.

"The UnSub could miss the rush of the kill, so he or she started again." Rossi theorized.

"Fa UnTub is female," Spencer said.

"How do you know Pretty Boy?" Morgan asked.

"Loot at fa tene. It's tean (clean). Males wouldn't tean up, fey would till and leave, but females do tean to teep fings neat." Spencer explained.

"He has a point. Females are neater than males. They would keep the scene neat and clean. Males don't care. Like my Mini G Man said." Garcia said via webcam. She had to stay behind this time, which was strange because since Reid turned small, Garcia always went with them.

"Alright. We'll know more once we get there. Garcia, did you book our hotel?" Hotch asked.

"Oh, Honey. I did better than a hotel. I got a cabin, it's got enough rooms so that you don't have to share." Garcia said.

"Garcia,  how are we gonna-" Hotch started.

"I got it taken care of bossman, don't worry." She said. "See you soon."

"Wonder what she meant by 'see you soon'." JJ pondered.

"You got me. Baby Girl can be quite the mystery." Morgan said.

Once they landed, they headed to the station where the Chief was waiting.

"Hi, I'm Chief Zander Mackey. Welcome to Gatlinburg y'all." He said.

"Hi. I'm Agent Hotchner. These are Agents Prentiss, Rossi, Jareau, and Morgan." Hotch said.

"Nice to meet you. Now, who's this little one?" Zander asked, smiling at Spencer.

"I'm Pencew." He said shyly.

"Howdy Spencer." He said. "This way to your temporary headquarters."

They followed Zander to the conference room in the back.

"This here is the most private conference room we have. You may use it to your liking." Zander said. "Now y'all if you excuse me, I have some of my work to take care of."

They bid their byes for now and got to work. They didn't get too far. They got that she lives in a secluded part of the mountains, and she was once a mother, but the baby died from its lung collapsing. Chief Zanders walked in.

"Hey, Y'all might want to head to yer hotel or cabin. We're about to get a snowstorm, and it's supposed to hit hard." He warned.

"Alright, thank you," Hotch said. "Pack it up, guys. We got to go."

They packed up everything and used Garcia's directions to get to the cabin. Which was fairly close to the city. The cabin's name was Buckingham Palace. They got out and went to the door when it swung open and revealed a cheery Garcia.

"Hello, my doves!" She squealed, taking Spencer from Hotch. "Welcome to our temp home!"

"Wow, it's beautiful," JJ said.

"Uh-huh. Now, there are four bedrooms upstairs, one right over there, and four downstairs. Now we all get our own rooms unless you want to share. Now, my Chocolate God, there's a bedroom downstairs, it has a bunk bed if you and Baby Genius would like to share." She said.

"How about that Pretty Boy? Want to share?" Morgan asked.

Spencer smiled and nodded.

"I know we're here for work, but there's a pool table, an air hockey table downstairs, and a home theatre. Also, there are arcade games upstairs. There's two hot tubs, one up and down, but it's far too cold for that." She said.

After showing the family around, they chose their bedrooms. Morgan and Spencer took the bunk beds downstairs, and Hotch took the room next door to them so he could be close to Spencer. Rossi took the room that was in the living room. He wanted to be close to the front door in case someone tried to break in. The girls took three of the four bedrooms upstairs.

True to the Chief's words, the storm hit and hit hard. They weren't going anywhere for the rest of the night. So they worked for a little bit and then separated and played around while Garcia and the girls made dinner.

Spencer sat quietly as he and his father watched his big brother and grandfather play pool. A couple of times, Morgan would let Spencer roll the white ball to hit one of his. Rossi did the same.

After dinner and his bath, the whole family gathered in the home theatre and watched some of the movies Garcia brought. While watching 'Coach Carter' Spencer fell asleep.

"Bedtime," Hotch announced. He went to Spencer and Morgan's room and settled him on the top bunk. Although the bunks were pretty big, Hotch didn't want to risk Spencer falling off.

"Night buddy," Hotch whispered, kissing the baby's forehead. "If he needs me-"

"You're right next door, and I'll come get you, Don't worry Hotch," Morgan said.

Hotch nodded, and the two said goodnight. Morgan looked up at the sleeping baby in the top bunk.

'The bunk is big and makes him seem a lot smaller.' He thought.

"Night, Pretty Boy," Morgan said, kissing his forehead and settling in the bottom bunk, happy to know if his baby brother needed him, he was right there.


A whistle broke the silence of the secluded mountain. A bear came running at the call of his master.

"What do you have for me, my sweet baby." She cooed.

The bear put down the human it was carrying.

"Oh, fresh meat. Good boy. Come inside now and get warm. The storm is about to get a whole lot worse." She said, letting the bear inside and dragging the human in.

She cleaned the human, placed him inside a room and decided it was bedtime for her and her sweet bear.

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