Chapter 39: All possilbilites and Trapped!

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The family flew to the station when they heard another fire broke out. Hotch and Garcia decided to go through the data, Rossi and Emily to the scene, and Morgan and Reid to the M.E.

Hotch and Garcia searched through file after file. But it seems their UnSub is a ghost. But they weren't about to give up.

Emily and Rossi arrived at the scene and found it in ruins and ashes. Rossi was talking to one of the firefighters and Emily the fire chief.

"So what happened? Do you know what was used to start the fire?" Emily asked the fire chief.

"It seems just some gasoline and this lighter. Your UnSub I believe you call them, is old fashioned." He said walking away to help the other firefighters.

"So what'd he say?" Rossi asked.

"The same thing he told you. Our Unsub is old fashioned. Uses lighters and gasoline." She said.

"Now that we know what he uses, we now need to know the tigger. Why is our UnSub setting fires?" Rossi asked.

"I dunno. I would set them if I were abused and negelcted, mad at the world." Emily said.

"That could be something. Now we just need a name." He said.

"I'm sure Morgan and Reid could find that out." She said.

They headed back to the station.

Morgan lifted his baby brother out of his carseat and carried him inside. They headed down the hall and found the M.E.

"Well hello Agents. Lovely to meet ya. Now let's get down to buisness. The girl here was obviously burned alive, but she was burned from the inside." She said.

"Fa intide? But how? She would've have had to drint gatoline for fat." Reid said.

"Oh my god. YOU'RE SO ADORABLE! And you're right. But the gasoline was forced down her throat and lit inside the mouth. She exploded and the house caught. Your bad guy is one sick fire bug." She said. "Anyway. Are you two brothers?"

"Yeah we are. Do you have any siblings?" Morgan asked.

"I do. My big brother. My parents died when I was five. My mother was a drunk whore and my father was a big pot smoker. They went out driving one night in a storm and never came home. We got the news the next morning, they ran off the highway. My brother raised me, he's an M.E. too. I got my job here when I turned 12, but in order to keep my job I have to graduate high school. Hence the text books sitting in the corner. And to answer your question I'm 19 going on 20, and I'm home schooled. My brother teaches me when we're not working, or when he's home. Ever since the fires started he disappears, sometimes for days." She said.

"Wow. I gwaduated high tchool when I was 12. What's your brofers name by fa way?" Reid said.

"Nice." She said. "And Wesley. Wesley James, and I'm Ryder Thomas. My real father is Davis Thomas."

"Alright thank you." Morgan said.

"Wait. You don't think my brother is a suspect do you?" She asked.

"Sorry, but we have to consider the possibility." Morgan said.

"No, it's fine. I suspect it myself. But if it is him, then why is he doing this?" She asked.

"Dunno. He tould be pwotecting you." Reid said.

"Well if it is him, tell him I don't blame him." She said getting back to work.

They headed back to the station. When they got there they told the others everything. Garcia ran the names of the siblings and their parents.

"Ryders real father Davis and mother Jamie divorced each other a few months after she was born. Her mother remarried to Wesleys father Scott in 2003. Wesley and Ryder were abused and negelcted by both parents. Wesley's 25 and Ryder's 19. Both live together on 487 South Ave." Garcia said.

Later that night they didn't get much further. They glanced at their charge who was working on the floor. He was falling asleep. Morgan glanced at the clock.

"Hotch. It's way past the kids bedtime. We need to wrap for the night." He said.

"I agree." Hotch said going over to the toddler.

Garcia took her and Reids stuff out to the SUV. Rossi helped Morgan and Emily put evidence and other files in the trunk of the SUV and went back inside to clean up their mess. Hotch was helping Reid put his stuff away, when a burning scent filled their noses. The station was on fire! And just their luck they were trapped!

The UnSub laughed as he watched the building burned.

"Try to find me now profilers." He said laughing.

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