Chapter 20: Fun at the mall

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Reid was sitting patiently at the table while Rossi was making breakfast. They chatted and Rossi taught Reid a few words in Italian. Reid turned his head when the front door opened.

"Reid? Rossi?" Said the voice. It was Emily!

"We're in the kitchen." Rossi called to her. "Good morning. Just in time for breakfast."

"Good morning, it smells really good." She complimented. She hugged Reid and sat next to him. "Good morning handsome. You looking better."

"I feel bettew. Wossi said fat my fevew's all gone." Reid told her.

"That's good. I bet Hotch and Morgan were freaking out." She said.

"They were. You should've heard them on the phone this morning." Rossi said.

She chuckled at the image of Hotch pacing the room and Morgan trying to himself back from punching a wall.

The three profilers ate their breakfast. Rossi and Emily watched Reid as he pretended to feed Artemis. They smiled and snapped a few pictures. After breakfast they got the dishes washed and put away. Emily helped Reid put his sandles on and put him in his car seat.

"Whewe awe going?" He asked.

"To the mall. JJ and Pen wanted to hang out today, and invited you and Rossi to join us." Emily said.

Reid thought it was good idea. Now that he was better he needed to get out. They got the mall where JJ and Garcia were waiting.

"Hi my sweet baby! I'm glad you're feeling better!" Exclaimed Garcia as she hugged him.

"Hi Gawtia! I'm much bettew." He said.

JJ hugged him too. She chuckled when saw Artemis.

"Awtemis wanted to go for walt." Reid told her.

They laughed. Reid was just too cute. They explored all the different shops. Then Reid came tottling over to Garcia.

"Gawtia. Will you hold Awtemis?" He asked.

"Sure pumpkin." She said taking Artemis from him.

She watched as he went to play with the kittens in a pet play area. She smiled. She took lots of pictures.

Later the profilers sat down for lunch at the food court. Reid had just finished eating a half of his giant cookie. He was planning on saving his other half for later, but he saw a girl his age drop hers on the floor. He picked up his other half and tottled over to the girl.

He held out his half to her and told her she could have it. The girl wiped away her tears and smiled. She gratefully accepted the cookie and gave Reid a peck on the cheek. He blushed as he waved bye to her. He tottled back ovet to his family.

The profilers were smiling proudly at the tiny agent. He did a very good thing.

Several hours later Rossi carried his exhausted charge in the house. He gave Reid his bath and tucked him in for the night. He kissed Reid on the forehead.

"Good job today Sport. We're all proud of you." He whispered palming the toddlers cheek.

Reid smiled and mumbled a small thanks and fell right to sleep.

While typing for his book Rossis instant messenger popped up. Of course it was the paranoid father and brother.

AHotchner: Reid doing ok?

GameHunter6: Yes Aaron. He's sleeping peacefully now.

StudMuffin4: We'll be home tomorrow.

GameHunter6: I know. Settle down you two. Reid's fine.

They chatted for awhile. Rossi told about Reids good deed. They two were proud. Reid was busting UnSubs and helping others. And Strauss said he couldn't work. How Rossi wanted to rub it in her face. After they chatted and he typed his chapter for his book, the profiler went to bed.

He checked on his charge one last time. Finding him sleeping peacefully he got ready for bed. He sighed. He wished Reid could stay a little longer. He enjoyed his time with him. When Hotch and Morgan get home they'll be all over him. He thought though, he should Reid when Hotch went out of town.

Planning to talk to Aaron when he got there he settled in his bed and slept.

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