Chapter 23: Two brothers

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Reid woke in the middle of the night. Not because of a nightmare but because he was worried about his big brother. He slowly got out of Hotchs death grip and pecked on the cheek. He slowly got out of bed and crawled under Morgans blanket. Reid snuggled into Morgan and fell right back to sleep.

Morgan watched the toddler crawl under his blanket. He smiled and wrapped his arm around him. Morgan knew he was worried. But Morgan was more worried about Reid. They all were. Hotch wouldn't let go of Reid the minute he burst through the door. Morgan settled back down and slept with his baby brother in his arms thanking God they both were ok.

The next morning Hotch nearly had a panic attack when he saw Reid wasn't with him. He looked around the room and found him sleeping peacefully with Morgan. He let out the breathe he had been holding. He moved around his sleeping profilers and showered.

Soon after everyone but Reid showered and ate. They wanted Reid to sleep alittle longer. They wanted him to sleep of this experience. The other profilers went back to their rooms and packed up. Hotch packed up his and Reids bag and loaded in the SUV. Garcia and JJ carried out the sleeping boy. He wrapped in his blanket with Artemis tightly in his arms. JJ carefully placed him in his car seat.

Reid woke up on the jet. He climbed off the couch and went over to the kitchentte. He reached up and grabbed the box of Coco Puffs and tottled back over to the couch. He opened the box and began munching on the cereal.

They others shared an amused look. Garcia of course took a picture of the two year old sitting behind the big box. When the toddler was done munching on the sugary cereal Hotch helped him get dressed. He came back out and sat next to Morgan.

"Hey kid. You okay?" He asked.

"I'm good. Awe you?" Reid asked back.

"Yeah Pretty Boy. I'm good." He said smiling.

"Hey Spencer how about a game?" Asked Emily.

"Otay. What do you want to play?" He asked.

They grabbed some cups and a tinfoil ball, they made a small goal. They played a rather small game of soccer and Emily taught Morgan and Reid how to speed stack.

When they got back to the Bereau, Garcia went took Reid and headed for her office. When she got there Kevin was waiting for her. He looked mad. He glared at Reid and then her.

"So who's the kid?" He asked angerily.

"It's Reid. He was turned into a two year old." She said cooly.

"Oh right." He snorted. "Is this why you couldn't marry me?"

"Kevin I told you I wasn't ready. And this is Reid." She said.

Kevin looked closely and saw it was him. He huffed and ran out slamming the door behind him. Reid looked at Garcia. He saw she was crying.

"I'm weally sowwy Gawtia." Reid apologized looking sad.

She looked at her charge and smiled. She palmed the toddlers cheek.

"Sweetie. That was not your fault. He's not thinking straight. But this is not your fault my dear snuggle bunny." She assured the toddler.

Reid gave Garcia a hug. She hugged him back. She felt a whole lot better. Getting to work they finished their paperwork in no time. So she decided to take her charge and have some fun. She told Hotch their work was finished and they were heading out.

Garcia took Reid to lunch, then to the park to let him run around alittle. Even she played. They smiled and laughed. It was a good afternoon. Garcia took Reid home with her, not knowing how late Hotch was going to work. Morgan came over too. He heard about the argument and wanted to be there for Garcia.

The three dined on pizza and sugar. Reid had so much and crashed so hard they thought he was in a sugar coma.

Hotch took the worn out boy home, got him bathed, and put him to bed with him. After yesterdays event he was still pretty worried. The two slept peacefully.

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