Chapter 25: Aftermath

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Reid woke up the next morning a tad sore and not feeling well. His head was pounding. All he wants to do is go home to Virgina and be with his family. He looked at up his father figure, and crawled into his lap, cluching Artemis for comfort.

Hotch looked down at his charge. He sighed. After a nightmared filled day and night the poor boy needed a vacation. They all did. His grip tightened on his charge.

"How you doing Spencer?" Hotch asked.

"I'm tiwed and my head huwts weally bad." He said softly.

Hotch exchanged worried looks with the rest of the family. JJ gave Spencer some childerns Tylenol. Spencer leaned back into Hotch, hoping the medicine would work soon.

Rossi went over to Reids bag and grabbed a book. He took Reid from Hotch and sat into the rocking chair and began reading to the toddler. The family all gathered and listened to story. They each took turns reading a chapter til the toddler in elder profilers arms was soundly asleep.

Even when they got on the jet Rossi was still holding the sleeping boy. The whole way home Reid slept peacefully. Rossi still held the boy and hummed the Italian lullaby he sang to him before while rubbing his back. Taking pictures the family smiled. Garcia saved her picture as her wallpaper on her laptop.

Hotch took the sleeping boy home and got him to eat alittle.

"Feeling better son?" Hotch asked worriedly.

"Yeah. But I'm till alittle tiwed." He said fisting his sleepily.

Hotch nodded. He took the boy upstairs, got him bathed and put him to bed for awhile. Hotch felt relieved that Spencers father was gone. He was sure the others felt same. He sighed and got to work on his paperwork. He'd occasionaly check on his charge.

An hour later Hotchs instant messenger popped up.

BabyGirl25: How's my baby?

AHotchner: Sleeping. I got him to eat and gave him a bath. Poor boy could sleep a week.

BabyGirl25: I know I would. Poor baby. You aren't plannig on bringing him to work tomorrow are you?

AHotchner: No. He needs some time off.

StudMuffin4: Good. We should all take another a vacation.

GameHunter6: I'm game.

BlondeandDangerous: Count me in

FBIHeroine: You know I'm in. But where do we go?

Babygirl25: I know the perfect place!

They dicussed where they were going and how long they'd be gone. The place they picked was perfect. They decided to leave tomorrow morning. They decided not tell Spencer but to keep it a suprise.

Later that night Hotch told his charge they weren't going to work tomorrow. Reid didn't really want to go work to be honest. He could tell Hotch and the others were up to something, but rolled with it. Both men slept peacefully that night.

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